Assistant Training Officers Posts Recruitment Notification

(General Recruitment on Contract Basis) 

PARA:- 1

1.1 Applications are invited from all eligible candidates through On-Line mode to engage 
as Assistant Training Officer on contract basis in Employment and Training 
Department (ITIs). The Assistant Training Officer is a Zonal Post. The selected 
candidates have to work in any Government. ITI in the Zone on contract basis for 11 

1.2 Recruitment procedure:
Selection of contract faculty shall be based on merit in written exam, demo in 
practical, experience. This committee will scrutinize the applications and assess their 
eligibility as per procedure mentioned hereunder: - 


a. Written Examination : 70 Marks
b. Experience in Govt. in AP State : 10 Marks
c. Practical Demo in the Trade : 20 Marks
 100 Marks


Assistant Training Officer
(on Contract Basis) –Zone-I 06
Assistant Training Officer
(on Contract Basis) –Zone-II 08
Assistant Training Officer
(on Contract Basis)-Zone-III 03
Assistant Training Officer
(on Contract Basis) –Zone-IV 54

Total 71

The appointing authority DE&T has right to alter or increase or decrease the no. of
vacancy positions, cancel the recruitment without giving any notice. 
1.5 Condition of appointment: 
The appointment of a person on contract basis shall be made under rule 9 of A.P. State 
and Subordinate Service Rules, 1996. The person appointed under sub-rule(a) of the said 
rule(9) shall not be regarded as a member of the service in which the post to which he/she 
is appointed and shall not be entitled by reason only of such appointment to any 
preferential right to any other appointment in that or any other service. The Department or 
the person appointed may revoke the contractual appointment or discontinue the contract by giving one month notice in writing on either side. Further, it should be made explicit in the contract that, without further action, discussion, notice or reference this contract would automatically seize to operate on lapse on the contract period and both parties will be discharged from their respective obligation and liabilities without any formal or informal communication.


The contractual appointment shall be made for a tenure not exceeding 11 months in 
academic year (August to July). Under no circumstances the individual be given any further extension beyond a maximum period of 3 years.


The Emoluments are as follows: - Rs:35570/-
(Assistant Training Officer): As per the instructions issued by the Government 
time to time.

Allowances: The appointment is not eligible to any other allowances or benefits 
such as D.A, H.R.A, LTC, Medical Reimbursement and Pension etc.
Leave: Person appointed on contract basis will be entitled to casual leave under rule 
10 a(i) on par with regular employees in the Department, the benefit of 180 days of 
paid maternity leave is admissible to the women employees working on contract vide 
G.O.Ms.17, Finance(HR-i-Plg. & Policy) Department, Dt.31.01.2019 and 
G.O.Ms.No.39, Finance (HR.I-PLG & Policy) Dept., Dt:11.04.2023 (5) days additional 
casual leave facility to women employees working on Contract basis in the State 

1.8 Disciplinary Control: 
Subject to all overall right of the Department to terminate the contract on giving one 
month notice or pay in lieu thereof a person appointed on contract basis be subject to 
disciplinary control in accordance with provisions of A.P. Civil Services (CCA) Rules, 1991.

PARA- 2:

Educational Qualification: The following are the educational qualifications 
mentioned Trade/Course wise.

2.2 The candidates should possess the prescribed academic qualification as on the date of this notification. In respect of other then prescribed Educational Qualifications, Claiming equivalence, the decision of the concerned department shall be final.

The candidates, who are in final year/not completed the prescribed qualification are 
not eligible.

Academic Qualifications:- SSC or 10th equivalent in State of Andhra Pradesh for 
all the post is essential

2.2 The candidates should possess the prescribed academic qualification as on the date of this notification. In respect of other then prescribed Educational Qualifications, Claiming equivalence, the decision of the concerned department shall be final.

The candidates, who are in final year/not completed the prescribed qualification are 
not eligible.

Academic Qualifications:- SSC or 10th equivalent in State of Andhra Pradesh for 
all the post is essential


The decision of the Appointing Authority Director, Employment and Training 
Department in all aspects and all respects pertains to the application and its acceptance or rejection as the case may be, conduct of examination and at all consequent stages 
culminating in the selection or otherwise of any candidate shall be final in all respects and 
binding on all concerned.

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