Inspector in Delhi Police and Central Armed Police ForcesExamination, 2022

Staff Selection Commission will hold an 
Open Competitive Examination for recruitment of Sub-Inspector in Delhi 
Police and Central Armed Police Forces. Departmental candidates amongst 
Constables, Head Constables and Assistant Sub-Inspectors of Delhi Police with minimum three years’ service and who shall not be more than 30 years (33 years for OBC and 35 years for SC/ST) of age as on crucial date given at Para 
5.1 may also apply for filling up of Open and Departmental Vacancies of Sub-
Inspector (Executive) in Delhi Police-Male. The details of posts are as under:

1.1 Sub-Inspector (GD) in CAPFs: The post carries pay scale of Level-6 
(Rs.35,400-Rs.1,12,400/-) and is classified as Group ‘B’ (Non-Gazetted), 

1.2 Sub-Inspector (Executive) - (Male/Female) in Delhi Police: The post 
carries pay scale of Level-6 (Rs.35,400-Rs.1,12,400/-) and is classified as 
Group ‘C’ by Delhi Police.

Reservation and suitability of Posts:

3.2. The Commission makes selection of candidates pursuant to the vacancies reported by the concerned User Departments / Offices for various posts. The Commission does not have any role in deciding the 
number of vacancies of any User Department / Office. Implementation of reservation policy, maintaining reservation roster and earmarking of vacancies for different categories come under the domain of the User Departments / Offices.

3.3. For the post of Sub-Inspector (Exe.) in Delhi Police-Male, reservation is 
available for Ex-Servicemen and special categories of Ex-Servicemen as 
detailed below:

3.3.1. Out of quota meant for Ex-Servicemen, 50% of such quota will be 
reserved for following categories of Ex-Servicemen: Having served in the Special Force/NSG (Special Action Group),
or Having received QI “Qualified Instructors” grading in the commando
course, or Officers from the Navy/Air Force who have worked in the specialized 
commando type units.

3.3.2. In case sufficient number of Ex-servicemen candidates under categories 
at paras, and are not available, the unfilled 
vacancies will be filled from amongst other available Ex-Servicemen 

Age Limit (as on 01.01.2022): 
5.1. Age limit of the candidates should be from 20 to 25 years as on 
01.01.2022 (i.e., candidates born not before 02.01.1997 and not later 
than 01.01.2002).

5.2. Permissible relaxation in upper age limit prescribed under para 5.1
above and category codes for claiming age relaxation will be as follows:
Process of Certification and format of certificates:
6.1. OBC certificates issued by Government of National Capital Territory of 
Delhi (GNCTD) to candidates for OBCs listed by GNCTD but not included 
in Central list of OBCs will be accepted only for the post of SI in Delhi 
Police for reservation and age relaxation purposes. Such candidates will 
be treated as OBC for the post of only SI in Delhi Police and as UR for all 
other posts.
6.2. Candidates who wish to be considered against reserved vacancies or seek 
age-relaxation must submit requisite certificate from the competent 
authority, in the prescribed format when such certificates are sought by 
the concerned authority. Otherwise, their claim for 
SC/ST/OBC/EWS/ESM etc. will not be entertained and their 
candidature will be cancelled. The formats of the certificates are 
annexed. Certificates in any other format are liable to be rejected.
6.3. A person seeking appointment on the basis of reservation to OBCs must 
ensure that he/she possesses the caste/community certificate and does 
not fall in creamy layer on the crucial date. The crucial date for this 
purpose will be the closing date for receipt of applications, i.e., 
6.4. Candidates may also note that their candidature will remain provisional 
until the veracity of the concerned certificates/documents relating to the 
Educational Qualifications, Caste/Category, etc. is verified and found 
satisfactory by the Appointing Authority. Candidates are cautioned that 
they will be debarred from the examinations conducted by the 
Commission in case they fraudulently claim the status of 
SC/ST/OBC/EWS/ESM/Departmental candidates of Delhi Police, etc.
6.5. Crucial date for claim of SC/ST/OBC/EWS status or any other benefit, 
viz., fee concession, reservation, age-relaxation, etc, where not specified 
otherwise, will be the closing date for receipt of online applications, i.e.,

Educational Qualifications (as on 30.08.2022):

7.1. Educational Qualification for all posts is Bachelor’s degree from a 
recognized university or equivalent.

7.2. As per Ministry of Human Resource Development Notification dated 
10.06.2015 published in the Gazette of India all the degrees/ diplomas/ 
certificates awarded through Open and Distance Learning mode of 
education by the Universities established by an Act of Parliament or State 
Legislature, Institutions Deemed to be Universities under Section 3 of the 
University Grants Commission Act, 1956 and Institutions of National 
Importance declared under an Act of Parliament stand automatically 
recognized for the purpose of employment to posts and services under 
the Central Government provided they have been approved by the 
Distance Education Bureau, University Grants Commission. Accordingly, 
unless such degrees are recognized for the relevant period when the 
candidates acquired the qualification, they will not be accepted for the 
purpose of Educational Qualification. 

7.3. Further, as per University Grants Commission (UGC) (Open and Distance 
Learning) Regulations, 2017 published in official Gazette on 23.06.2017

under Part-III (8) (v), the programmers’ in engineering, medicine, dental, 
nursing, pharmacy, architecture and physiotherapy, etc. are not 
permitted to be offered under Open and Distance Learning mode.
However, B. Tech. degree/diploma in Engineering awarded by Indira 
Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) to the students who were 
enrolled up to academic year 2009-10 shall be treated as valid, wherever 
7.4. Candidates who have not yet acquired but will acquire the educational 
qualification, and produce documentary evidence from the 
Board/University in support thereof, as on 30.08.2022 will also be 
7.5. All candidates who are declared qualified by the Commission in 
Computer Based Examinations, Physical Endurance Test (PET)/Physical 
Standard Test (PST) and Medical Examinations will be required to 
produce all relevant Certificates in original such as Mark 
sheets/Provisional Degree/Diploma Certificate as proof of having 
acquired the minimum Educational Qualifications (EQs) on or before
30.08.2022 failing which the candidature of such candidates will be 
cancelled. The candidates who are able to prove by documentary 
evidence that the result of the qualifying examination was declared on or 
before the cut-off date and he/she has been declared passed will also be 
considered to have the required Educational Qualification. It is reiterated 
that the result of requisite Educational Qualifications (EQs) must have 
been declared by the Board/University by the specified date. Mere 
processing of the result by the Board/University by the crucial cut-off 
date does not fulfill the EQ requirement.
7.6. In case of the candidates possessing equivalent educational qualification, 
such candidates shall also produce relevant Equivalence Certificate from 
the concerned authorities at the time of Document Verification. Final
decision regarding selection of such candidates will be taken by the 
concerned User Departments/Appointing Authorities.
7.7. For the post of Sub Inspector in Delhi Police only: Male candidates 
must possess a valid Driving License for LMV (Motorcycle and Car) on the 
date fixed for Physical Endurance and Measurement Tests. However, the 
candidates who do not have a Valid Driving License for LMV (Motorcycle 
and Car) are eligible for all other posts in CAPFs.

8. How to apply:

8.1. Applications are required to be submitted in online mode only at the 
official website of SSC Headquarters, i.e., For detailed below
instructions, please refer to Annexure-I and Annexure-II of this Notice. 
Sample Proforma of One-time Registration and online Application Forms
are attached as Annexure-IA and Annexure-IIA.

8.2. In the online Application Form, candidates are required to upload the 
scanned colour passport size photograph in JPEG format (20 KB to 50 
KB). The photograph should not be more than three months old from the 
date of publication of the Notice of Examination. Image dimension of the 
photograph should be about 3.5 cm (width) x 4.5 cm (height). The 
photograph should be without cap and spectacles.

8.3. If the proper photograph is not uploaded by a candidate, his/her 
candidature will be cancelled. Specimen of photographs which are 
acceptable/not acceptable is given at Annexure-XI.

8.4. Scanned signature in JPEG format (10 to 20 KB). Image dimension of the

ą°¢ిą°²్ą°²ీ ą°Ŗోą°²ీą°ø్, ą°•ేంą°¦్ą°° ą°øాą°Æుą°§ ą°¬ą°²ą°—ాą°²్ą°²ో ą°Ŗą°²ు ą°‰ą°¦్ą°Æోą°—ాą°²ą°•ు ą°Øోą°Ÿిą°«ిą°•ేą°·ą°Ø్ ą°µిą°”ుą°¦ą°²ైంą°¦ి. ą°–ాą°³ీą°—ా ą°‰ą°Ø్ą°Øą°Ÿుą°µంą°Ÿి (SI)ą°øą°¬్-ą°‡ą°Ø్‌ą°ø్ą°Ŗెą°•్ą°Ÿą°°్ ą°Ŗోą°ø్ą°Ÿ్‌ą°² ą°•ోą°øం ą°…ą°§ిą°•ాą°°ిą°•ంą°—ా ą°¦ą°°ą°–ాą°ø్ą°¤ుą°²ు ą°†ą°¹్ą°µాą°Øిą°ø్ą°¤ుą°Ø్ą°Øాą°°ు. ą°²ెą°µెą°²్-6 ą°‰ą°¦్ą°Æోą°—ాą°²ు ą°…ą°Æిą°Øą°Ÿుą°µంą°Ÿి ą°øెంą°Ÿ్ą°°ą°²్ ą°†ą°°్ą°®్‌ą°”్ ą°¬ą°²ą°—ాą°²్ą°²ో ą°øą°¬్-ą°‡ą°Ø్‌ą°ø్ą°Ŗెą°•్ą°Ÿą°°్, (ą°Žą°—్ą°œిą°•్ą°Æూą°Ÿిą°µ్)ą°øą°¬్ ą°‡ą°Ø్‌ą°ø్ą°Ŗెą°•్ą°Ÿą°°్ – ą°¢ిą°²్ą°²ీ ą°Ŗోą°²ీą°ø్‌ ą°¶ాą°–ą°²ో ą°®ొą°¤్ą°¤ం 4300 ą°‰ą°¦్ą°Æోą°—ాą°²ą°Øు ą°Øోą°Ÿిą°«ిą°•ేą°·ą°Ø్‌ą°²ో ą°Ŗేą°°్ą°•ొą°Ø్ą°Øాą°°ు. ą°…ą°°్ą°¹ుą°²ైą°Ø ą°…ą°­్ą°Æą°°్ą°„ుą°²ు ą°¤్ą°µą°°ą°—ా ą°¦ą°°ą°–ాą°ø్ą°¤ు ą°šేą°øుą°•ోą°µాą°²ą°Øి ą°…ą°§ిą°•ాą°°ుą°²ు ą°Ŗేą°°్ą°•ొą°Ø్ą°Øాą°°ు.

ą°®ొą°¤్ą°¤ం ą°Ŗోą°ø్ą°Ÿ్‌ą°²ు : 4300.

CAPF(ą°•ేంą°¦్ą°° ą°øాą°Æుą°§ ą°¬ą°²ą°—ాą°²ు)ą°²ో ą°øą°¬్-ą°‡ą°Ø్‌ą°ø్ą°Ŗెą°•్ą°Ÿą°°్ (GD): 3960.

ą°øą°¬్ ą°‡ą°Ø్‌ą°ø్ą°Ŗెą°•్ą°Ÿą°°్ (ą°Žą°—్ą°œిą°•్ą°Æూą°Ÿిą°µ్) – ą°¢ిą°²్ą°²ీ ą°Ŗోą°²ీą°ø్‌ ą°µిą°­ాą°—ంą°²ో

(ą°Ŗుą°°ుą°·ుą°²ą°•ు 228 ą°Ŗోą°ø్ą°Ÿ్‌ą°²ు)

(ą°®ą°¹ిą°³ą°²ą°•ు 112 ą°Ŗోą°ø్ą°Ÿ్‌ą°²ు)

ą°…ą°°్ą°¹ą°¤: ą°—ుą°°్ą°¤ింą°Ŗు ą°Ŗొంą°¦ిą°Ø ą°µిą°¶్ą°µą°µిą°¦్ą°Æాą°²ą°Æం ą°Øుంą°”ి ą°ą°¦ైą°Øా ą°µిą°­ాą°—ంą°²ో ą°¬్ą°Æాą°šిą°²ą°°్ ą°”ిą°—్ą°°ీ.

ą°µą°Æą°ø్ą°øు: 20 ą°Øుంą°šి 25 ą°øంą°µą°¤్ą°øą°°ాą°²ు.

ą°¦ą°°ą°–ాą°ø్ą°¤ు ą°Ŗ్ą°°ాą°°ంą°­ ą°¤ేą°¦ీ :10 ą°†ą°—ą°ø్ą°Ÿు 2022.

ą°šిą°µą°°ి ą°¤ేą°¦ీ: 30 ą°†ą°—ą°ø్ą°Ÿు 2022.

ą°«ీą°œు ą°šెą°²్ą°²ింą°šą°”ాą°Øిą°•ి ą°šిą°µą°°ి ą°¤ేą°¦ీ: 31 ą°†ą°—ą°ø్ą°Ÿు 2022.

ą°Ŗే ą°ø్ą°•ేą°²్: ą°°ూ. 35,400 – ą°°ూ. 1,12,400.

ą°¦ą°°ą°–ాą°ø్ą°¤ు ą°«ీą°œు:

ą°œą°Øą°°ą°²్ ą°…ą°­్ą°Æą°°్ą°„ుą°²ą°•ు ą°°ూ. 100.

SC/ ST/ą°®ą°¹ిą°³ą°²ు/Ex-S ą°…ą°­్ą°Æą°°్ą°„ుą°²ą°•ు ą°Žą°²ాంą°Ÿి ą°«ీą°œు ą°²ేą°¦ు.


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Telegram Group:

ą°‡ą°¤ą°° ą°Ŗూą°°్ą°¤ి ą°µిą°µą°°ాą°² ą°•ోą°øం ą°…ą°§ిą°•ాą°°ిą°• ą°µెą°¬్‌ą°øైą°Ÿ్ ą°øంą°¦ą°°్ą°¶ింą°šంą°”ి

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