Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited, NPCIL has invited applications for Executive Trainees posts. The recruitment of the posts will be done through GATE 2022/2023/2024 scores. Eligible candidates can apply online through the official website of NPCIL at
NPCIL Recruitment through GATE: Apply for 400 Executive Trainees posts
The registration process begins on April 10 and will end on April 30, 2024. This recruitment drive will fill up 400 posts in the organization. Read below for eligibility, selection process and other details.
Vacancy Details
Mechanical: 150 posts
Chemical: 73 posts
Electrical: 69 posts
Electronics: 29 posts
Instrumentation: 19 posts
Civil: 60 posts
Eligibility Criteria
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BE/B Tech/B Sc (Engineering)/5 year Integrated M Tech with a minimum of 60% aggregate marks in one of the 6 engineering disciplines mentioned in the Table below from University/Deemed University or Institute recognized by AICTE/UGC. A minimum of 60% marks means the marks as per the ordinances of the respective university. Applicants must have a valid GATE-2022 or GATE-2023 or GATE-2024 Score in the same engineering discipline as the qualifying degree discipline.
Selection Process
The shortlisting of candidates for personal inter will be done in the order of merit drawn on the basis of valid GATE 2022, GATE 2023 and GATE 2024 Scores by applying ratio of 1:12. Final selection will be done on the basis of performance in the Personal Interview subject to medical fitness.
Application Fee
Only male candidates belonging to General/EWS/OBC categories are required to make a non-refundable payment of Rs.500/- towards application fee with the applicable bank charges. SC, ST, PwBD, Ex-serviceman, DODPKIA, Female applicants and employees of NPCIL are exempted from the payment of Application Fee. For more related details candidates can check the official website of NPCIL.
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