AP TET FEB 2024 | AP TET Notification Exam Dates Pattern Eligibility Fee Apply Link

1) The Andhra Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test (APTET-2024) will be conducted through a computer based test by the Department of School Education, Govemment of Andhra Pradesh in all Districts of the State except Manyam and ASR(AlluriSeethaRamaRaju) districts and those candidates will be accommodated in the nearby districts. The objective to conduct Teacher Eligibility Test is to ensure National Standards and benchmark of Teacher quality in the recruitment process in accordance with the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE). One of the essential qualification for a person to be eligible for appointment as teacher in any of the school (Both Government and Private) referred to in class (n) section-2 of the RTE Act is that he'she should pass the TET conducted by the department of school education.

Online applications are invited for the Andhra Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test 2. (APTET-2024) for the candidates aspiring to be Teachers in the schools under all managements including State Government, rural and urban local bodies, A.P. Model Schools, all welfare and societies schools, Private Aided Schools and Private un-

aided schools etc., under the control of Andhra Pradesh State for classes I to VIII. Govt. of India have enacted RTE Act. 2009 on 27.08.2009 titled "The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Sub-Section (1) of section 23 of the RTE Act, National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE), New Delhi has laid down minimum qualifications for a person to be eligible for appointment as a Teacher for Classes I to VIII in its Principal Notification dated 23 August, 2010 and amendments. Issued thereon. The minimum qualification includes a pass in Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) pursuant said guidelines, it has been decided to conduct Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) in the State of Andhra Pradesh.

Those candidates who possess D.EL.Ed./B.Ed or its equivalent qualifications shown in information bulletin and candidates pursuing 4th Semester of the said courses with requisite percentage of marks obtained as given in information bulletin of APTET can appear for APTET-2024. However, the candidates intending to seek employment as a teacher in private unaided schools following Central or State syllabus shail have the option of appearing CTET conducted by Central Government through CBSE instead of APTET, if they so desire. Those candidates who desire to improve their earlier APTET Score shall siso apply for APTET-2024


4. To bring in utmost transparency and accuracy in the conduct of examinations APTET 2024 will be conducted through Computer Based Test in Paper-1 ((A) & (B)), Paper-il ((A) & (B)). The candidate who intends to be teachers for classes I to V have to appear for Paper-I (A) and the candidates intending to teachers for classes VI to Vill have to appear for paper-il (A). The candidate who intends to be teachers for classes I to V in Special Education have to appear for the examination under Paper 1 (B) and the candidates who intends to be teachers for classes from VI to VIII have to appear for paper II(B) in respect of Special Education.

. Examination FEE:

The fee towards submission of online application and for the conduct of computer based examination is Rs. 750/- for each Paper-1 (A), (B), Paper-II (A), (B) separately. Candidates shall pay the fee through payment Gateway from 08.02.2024 17.02.2024 and submit online application at the APTET website http://cse.ap.gov.in from 08.02.2024 to 18.02.2024

Note: If the candidate who having both D.El.Ed general/special and B.Ed general special qualifications desires to apply for all papers, he/she has to pay Rs.750/- for each paper separately.

6. Procedure for submission of application online:

Detailed procedure for applying ONLINE is given in the Information Bulletin Candidates download the 'Information Bulletin free of cost from the APTET website http://cse.ap.gov.infrom 08.02.2024 onwards. Candidates can submit their applications online from 08.02.2024 to 18.02.2024.

No candidate is allowed for Edit/ Modify the application once submitted.

Note: The candidates are instructed to submit the application carefully with full awareness of notification. No corrections/Modifications will be allowed in this application already submitted. If any candidate desires to change or modify the already submitted application, he/she has to pay Rs. 750/- and file fresh application within the due date.


The APTET 2024will be conducted through ONLINE in 24 districts except Manyam and ASR in Andhra Pradesh. The candidates belongs to Manyam and ASR


(AlluriSita RamaRaju) district can opt examination centres in the nearby districts. A window will be opened to the Candidates to opt the DISTRICT and SESSION in the available centers indicated in the website. The examination centors will be closed based on the option exercised by the candidate (this will be purely on first come first serve basis). No change of the examination center will be allowed once opted during the window. If once the session capacity of the centers is exhausted then the candidate should choose another date and another session at available districts. If the candidate failed to opt Examination centre above, department will allot the examination cent centars prescribed date mentioned the available examination.

However, allotment of examination centers shall be the discretion of the department and request for change of examination centers or sessions is not allowed under any circumstances. However preference will be given to PHC candidates by accommodating in the same district.

Note: Candidate should opt in first cum-first serve basis.

8. Eligibility Criteria:

The candidates at the time of applying for APTET- 2024should possess minimum

qualifications prescribed for a teacher for I to V classes (Paper-I (A) & (B)) and VI to

Vili classes (Paper-II (A) & (B)) as given in Information Bulletin. The candidates who

are pursuing 4 semesterin any of the Teacher Education Courses recognized by the

NCTE or the RCI, can also appear for the APTET-2024

However, it is clarified that appearance or a pass in APTET by itself will not

vest any right for the candidate to be considered for appointment to the post of

Teacher in Government/Zila Parishad / MandalParishad / Municipal/AP Model

School/ Welfare Schools / Society Schools Private Un-aided and Private Aided Schools etc., under the control of the Govt. of Andhra Pradesh unless he/she possess the qualifications prescribed for appointment to such post in the relevant statutory recruitment rules framed by State Government from time to time or by the said management as on the date prescribed therein., and also pass in Teacher Eligibility test,

Details of qualifications prescribed for APTET-2024 are provided in the Information Bulletin.

9. Structure, Content and Syllabus of APTET:

a) The structure and content of each part of Paper-I (A &B):

The structure and content of each part of Paper-I (A & B) of the APTET 2024 and the breakup of the total 150 marks among various parts of the paper are given in the Information Bulletin. The detail marks Weightage criteria procedure are given in the Information Bulletin. Syllabus for APTET- 2024 can be downloaded from http://cse.ap.gov.in.

b) Structure, Content and Syllabus of (Paper-II (A&B))

The structure and content of each part of paper-II (A&B) of the APTET 2024, and the breakup of the total 150 marks among various parts of the paper are given in the Information Bulletin. The detailed marks and Weightage criteria procedure are given in the Information Bulletin. Syllabus for APTET-2024 can be downloaded from http://cse.ap.gov.in.

10. (a) Pass Criteria in TET Paper-I (A&B), Paper-II (A) & (B):

APTET-2024 Tentative Results will be declared on the same day of completion of examination. However the final result will be given after final key as per the

scheduled mention below. The criteria for considering pass in APTET are as follows:

Note 1.In the case of Differently abled candidates, clause 10a(iii) above will be applicable to differently abled candidates with at least 40% disability based on the valid disability certificate as prescribed by the competent authority as notified by the Government from time to time.

11. Validity period of TET Certificate / Marks Memo:

APTET Certificate / Marks Memo shall remain valid for life time in accordance with NCTE guidelines dated: 09.06.2021 as amended by the Government in G.O.Ms.No.69, Dated: 25.10.2021. The validity of TET qualifying certificate acquired prior to 09.06.2021 shall be life time as per G.O.Ms.No.69, Dated: 25.10.2021. This certificate will also be made available in digi locker from date and time of TET result.

12. Weightage for APTET-2024 Scores for selection in District Selection Committee (DSC) Recruitments:

20% Weightage will be given to APTET scores in the ensuing Teacher Recruitment of the State Government. In other words, 20% Weightage is for APTET score and 80% Weightage for written test in Teacher Recruitment Test (TRT) for drawing up the selection list.

13. Normalization:

Normalization procedure/Technique will be adopted for APTET Examinations 2024.

14. Legal Jurisdiction :

All legal disputes with regard to the conduct of TET shall be subject to the Jurisdiction of the Courts located in the State of Andhra Pradesh only.
Download Notification

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Fees: à°ªేపర్ I A/I B/II A/II B- Rs.750/- à°’à°•్à°•ోà°Ÿి

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AP TET à°•ాంà°¡ిà°¡ేà°Ÿ్ à°²ాà°—ిà°¨్

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1 comment:

  1. Sir we paid amount For both SGT and SA money deducted but i didn't get payment message sir please help men sir


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