RGUKT Basar Guest Faculty Recruitment Notification

Detailed notification for filling up of positions of Guest Faculty and Guest Laboratory Staff

1. RGUKT Basar inviting online applications from qualified and eligible candidates for 
filling up of following Guest Faculty and Guest Laboratory Staff positions on purely 
temporary basis.

General Instructions to the candidates:

a) These appointments are purely on temporary basis for a period of six (06) months. And these posts can be terminated at any time without any prior intimation and do  not carry any experience.

b) The candidate should possess the minimum qualification on or before the date of  advertisement.

c) The interested and eligible candidates can apply online at the following link: 
 Guest faculty in Engineering : https://forms.gle/KrutWbFqE38AgKY17)
 Guest Faculty in Science & Humanities: https://forms.gle/HDsnz7hQcY6iPGDz8)
 Guest Laboratory Assistant : https://forms.gle/u6gqfHHz7JLGTwhQ8
 Guest Laboratory Technician : https://forms.gle/DzUrDKdLkeXAmDYj9

Or copy the above link and paste it in any web browser and apply. The candidate 
has to upload his/her resume.

d) Candidates are strongly advised to visit the university website regularly 
www.rgukt.ac.in for any addendum, corrigendum and modification etc., will be 
notified on the university website only.

e) In case of any dispute/ambiguity that may occur in the process of selection, the 
decision of the University shall be final.

f) The incumbent will have NO RIGHT to claim for any regularization or extension/ 
renewal of engagement in any circumstances.

g) No TA/DA will be paid to the candidates for appearing for the interview.

h) And the selected candidates have to join the campus immediately. 

i) Selected candidates have to be available on all working days of semester and their 
salary will be calculated on the basis of biometric machine attendance.

j) Abide to work (teaching and any other work) assigned by the University.

3. Selection Procedure:

i) Guest Faculty – Written test and interview or written test/interview.
ii) Guest Lab Assistant and Guest Lab Technician – Written test, Trade test and 
interview or written test/Trade test/Interview.

4. Intimation:

E-Mail will be sent only to the shortlisted candidates. No correspondence will be 
entertained with applicants who are not short-listed/not called for interview.

5. Important Dates:

 Opening date of online application : 25-07-2023

 Closing date of online application : 30-07-2023

1) Candidates with higher qualification will be preferred.

2) University reserves the right to fill or not to fill any or all the positions.

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