Engagement of Trolley Retriever at Chennai Airport of AAI Cargo Logistics and Allied Services Company Limited (AAICLAS)

 AAICLAS has been set up as a fully owned cargo subsidiary of the Airports Authority of India to manage the development of air Cargo Business Airports along with Allied Services within the country and outside the country. AAICLAS is a professionally driven and responsive service enterprise with a vision to emerge as the largest Integrated Cargo logistics and Allied Services in the country.

To drive this business, it requires Trolley Retriever as regular employee on Fixed Term Basis at Chennai Airport, as per the details given below: -

Trolley Retriever Post: 105

All the above number of positions may be changed with the sole discretion of AAICLAS Management. The engagement shall be made in phased manner as per requirement. AAICLAS Management reserves the right for change/cancellation of part or full advertisement/number of positions/venue/procedure/date /time of interaction etc. The decision of the AAICLAS Management shall be final and binding under all circumstances. AAICLAS reserves the right to increase or decrease or scrap these positions/advertisements in part or full, depending upon the present/future requirements or due to any other administrative issue.


Rs. 250 (Rs. Two Fifty only)

(No fee for SC*/ST* & Women Candidates)

*Subject to submission of valid certificate issued by appropriate authority. Only online applications will be accepted, applications required from post will not be considered.

Important Dates:

Opening date for online Application 02.08.2023

Last date for online Application 31.08.2023

The eligibility criteria for the post of Trolley Retriever is as follows: - 

(a)  Essential  Qualification:  10th Pass 

(b)  Age Limit: Age as on 01.08.2023  should be between 18 to 27 years. In addition to this 3 years age  relaxation will be provided to the candidates belonging to OBC category and 5 years age relaxation  for candidates belonging to SC/ST category.

(c)  Physical Efficiency Test: Candidate should be able to collect 10 nos. of Trolleys scattered in 100  meters area and assemble it in a designated are within 5 minutes.

(d)  Should be physically fitin all aspects:

1.1  Height not less than 167 cms. 

1.2  Weight not less than 55 kg.

1.3  Chest 81 cms with minimum expansion 5 cms.

(e)  Visual requirements: 

1.1  Distant vision: 6/6 with glasses. 

1.2  Near vision: N-5 with each eye without glasses 

(f)  Hearing– Normal. 

(g)  Physique– Good Physique. 

Disqualification– Deformity / Weakness of Shoulder/ Wrists/Hip/Knee and Ankle. Any major operations/  impairment of virtue of which his /her physical fitness for the job of Trolley Retriever will be considered  as disqualification. 

1.1  As per order dated 20.01.2023 of the Hon'ble High Court at Madras, the petitioners as per WP No. 

6485  are  to  be  given  preference  to  take  part  in  the  recruitment  by  giving  relaxations in  age  and academic qualifications, if otherwise found suitable as per the orders of the Hon'ble High Court of  Madras and at the date of submission of application, the age should be less than 60 years. 

1.2  As per order dated 20.01.2023 of the Hon'ble High Court at Madras, the petitioners as per writ petition  no. 21515/2013 and as per writ petition no. 40237/2016 will be allowed to participate in recruitment  process.  However,  there  is  no  age  and  academic  qualifications  relaxation  for  these  petitioners  covered under the WP No. 21515 of 2013 and WP No. 40237 of 2016.

NOTE:Please note that the eligibility criteria specified herein are the basic criteria for applying  the  post.  Candidates  must  necessarily  produce  the  relevant  documents  pertaining  to  nationality, age, educational qualifications, eligibility qualifications, experience etc. in original  along with a photocopy thereof in support of their identity and eligibility.


2.1  Nationality / Citizenship 

Candidate must be a citizen of India.

2.2  The short-listed candidates will be considered for engagement on a Fixed Term basis initially  for a period of three years (further extendable on need/performance basis). The period of one  year will be treated as probation period and on successful completion of probation period, the  period  of  engagement  will  be  considered  for  deployment  at  the  sole  discretion  of  the  Management of AAICLAS (on need & performance basis). Selected candidates will have to join  the station of engagement, then only the engagement will come into force. 

2.3  Fixed Term is for a period of three years further extendable purely on need of the company  as well as performance of the candidates till age of superannuation i.e. 60 years subject to  medical fitness. 

(a)  The Fixed Term will be renewable, as the case be, will only be at the sole discretion of  the management of AAICLAS only subject to satisfactory performance. 

(b)  The term could be terminated earlier at the discretion of the Management, in the event  of unsatisfactory performance. 

3.  Upper age limit as on 01.08.2023

Age relaxation of 5 years to candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe and age  relation of 3 years to OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) shall be considered. 

The date of birth as recorded in the Matriculation/Secondary Examination certificates will only be  accepted.  No subsequent requests for change in date of birth will be entertained. 

4.  Pay and Allowances

The monthly remuneration payable to the Personnel is as under: - 

1.  Basic Pay  Rs.10,000/- 

2.  HRA  Rs, 2,700/- 

3.  Conveyance  Rs. 1,000/- 

4.  Outdoor Medical Allowance  Rs. 1,000/- 

5.  Uniform / Washing Allowance  Rs. 1,000/- 

6.  Special Pay (Trolley Retriever)  Rs. 5,600/- 

Gross Pay  Rs. 21,300/- 

 PF is applicable on the basic pay of Rs. 10,000/-. 

Leaves: Privilege Leave – 18 in a year + 12 Half Pay Leave (sick leave) + 9 CL + 2 RH. 

Gratuity: As per Gratuity Act or applicable rules. 

Medical:  A  maximum  of  Rs.  10,000/-  per  annum  shall  be  reimbursed  on  account  of  purchase  of  medical  insurance by the personnel or self and dependents, on production of duly certified receipt/invoice thereof. 

5. Reservations

The reservations applicable in respect of SC, ST, OBC, EWS, Ex- Servicemen etc. will be as per  rules/applicability.

6.  Selection Procedure 

Selection  will  be  only  through  physical  mode  basis  at  Chennai  Airport  or  as  decided  by  the  Management. 

7.  Important Instruction - I 

7.1  Candidates  meeting  the  eligibility  criteria  as  on  01.08.2023,  are  advised  to  apply  in  prescribed format. 

7.2  Please make note of it that all communications by AAICLAS shall only & only be made on  the registered e-mail id of the candidates and not by post. So, keep checking the email id  to be informed to AAICLAS for the purpose. 

7.3  Please ensure that in case at any stage it be found that any wrong/false information is given  by the candidate, the candidature of the said candidate be treated as cancelled without  assigning any reason whatsoever. In case the wrong/false information comes to the notice  of the management at a later stage, the engagement be treated as cancelled and necessary  recovery be made in addition to action, as per rules. 

7.4  Valid E-Mail ID: The E-Mail ID should be provided and remain active until the engagement  process is completed. No change under any circumstances in the e-mail id will be allowed  once entered. All correspondence regarding this recruitment shall be made on registered  e-mail id only. 

7.5  In case of any change or amendment or updation or deletion (in part or full) either with  regard to the number of position; cadre; remuneration; criteria; eligibility etc., (either prior  to or post publication) the same shall only be updated/uploaded on the official website of  AAICLAS www.aaiclas.aero. 

7.6  In case any candidate is already working with any Government Department/ PSU/SPSU,  they have to produce a NOC from their present employer. 

7.7  Candidates who fulfil the eligibility criteria would be required to appear physically on the  date, time and venue/mode as is given above or to be informed through call letter on the  registered  e  mail  ID  of  eligible  candidate.  Further,  they  will  bring  all  the  original  certificates/mark  sheets/experience  certificate/professional  qualification  certificates/  training  certificates/Aadhar  Card/  PAN  Card/  Category  Certificate  (if  applicable)  /  other  documents (if any) etc. along with one set of self-attested copy of each document, if be  selected. The self-attested copy of each documents to be submitted with AAICLAS office as  and when be asked to do so. 

7.8  The short-listed candidates will be considered for engagement on Fixed Term basis initially  for a period of three years. The period of one year will be treated as probation period and  on successful completion of probation period, the period of engagement will be considered  for  extension  based  on  performance  evaluation  by  AAICLAS.  The  employment  of  the  Selected candidates will come into effect upon joining. 

7.9  By  just  full  filling  the  eligibility  criteria  of  this  advertisement,  does  not  give  right  to  candidate to be shortlisted. 

7.10  For the selection process, no TA/DA or reimbursement etc. shall be made by AAICLAS. 

7.11  Fixed Term is for a period of three years further extendable purely on need of the company  as well as performance of the candidates till age of superannuation i.e. 60 years subject to  medical fitness. 

(a)  The Fixed Term will be renewable, as the case be, will only be at the sole discretion of  the management of AAICLAS only subject to satisfactory performance. 

(b)  The term could be terminated earlier at the discretion of the Management, in the event  of unsatisfactory performance. 

7.12  The applicant must ensure that they fulfil all the eligibility criteria, as on 01.08.2023 and  that the particulars furnished by him/her are correct in all respects. At any  stage of the  Selection  Process,  if  the  particulars  furnished  by  the  applicants  in  the  application  or testimonials attached/provided are found to be incorrect / false, or not meeting with the  eligibility criteria prescribed for the position, the candidature is liable to be rejected and, if  engaged, engagement will be terminated, without giving any notice or reasons therefor. 

7.13  Any  canvassing  by  or  on  behalf  of  the  candidate  or  bringing  political  or  other  outside  influence,  with  regard  to  their  engagement  /  selection  shall  be  considered  as 


7.14  The  decision  of  AAICLAS  Management  regarding  the  eligibility  criteria,  acceptance  or  rejection of applications, mode of selection to any of the above position(s) etc. shall be final  and binding on all the candidates. Merely fulfilling the minimum qualifications, experience  and job requirement will not vest any right on candidates for being called for tests/selection  process  etc.  The  Management  of  AAICLAS  may  evolve  its  own  procedure  for  short-  listing/selection  of  candidates.  No  correspondence  will  be  entertained  from  candidates  found ineligible or not called for test/selection process etc. 

7.15  AAICLAS  reserves  the  right  to  modify/  alter/  restrict/  enlarge/  cancel  the  engagement/  selections process, in part or full, if need so arises, without issuing any further notice or  assigning any reason whatsoever. The decision of the AAICLAS Management will be final  and no appeal will be entertained in this regard. 

7.16  AAICLAS will not bear any liability on account of service bond/salary/leave salary/pension  contribution etc. if any, of previous employment of any candidate working in Central/ State  Government/Autonomous Body/ Public Sector Undertaking. 

7.17  The Prescribed format of Application is available online under the career page of AAICLAS  official Website. 

7.18  In  case  of  any  query,  aspirants  may  write  to  AAICLAS  helpdesk  at  hr.recruitment@aaiclas.aeroby mentioning Advt. No and the name of the position applied  for  etc.  in  the  heading  of  the  subject  matter/  e-mail.  Further  in  case  the  query  is  not  resolved the candidates may contract at helpdesk number 011-24667715. 

7.19  Notice  period  for  resignation:  minimum  1  month.  Those  persons  who  shall  resign  with  immediate effect, no experience letter/verification etc. shall be issued and they will also  have to deposit 1 month salary in lieu of non-serving of notice period. 


8.1  Go to the AAICLAS website www.aaiclas.aero then go to the career option. View  the detailed advertisement. In case you meet the eligibility criteria, then fill the  attached application form along with all the relevant details and fee of Rs. 250/-  is to be paid in applicable cases.

8.2 The application form is enclosed and the link to fill the same is available is on  website www.aaiclas.aero.

8.3 Please make note that all communications to be made on this registered E-MAIL  ID and  not  by post. So,  keep  remember  the E-MAIL  ID,  Mobile  Number  and Password.

8.4    Please  ensure  that  in  case,  at  any  stage,  it  be  found  that  any  wrong/false  information is given by the candidate, the candidature of the said candidate be  treated  as  cancelled  without  assigning  any  reason  whatsoever.  In  case  the  wrong/false  information  comes  to  the  notice  of  the  management  at  a  later stage, the engagement be treated as cancelled and necessary recovery be made in addition to action, asper rules.

8.5    Valid  E-Mail  ID:  The  E-Mail  ID  entered  in  the  online  application  form  should remain active until the engagement process is completed. No change under any  circumstances in the e-mail id will be allowed once entered. All correspondence regarding this selection/ recruitment shall be made on registered e-mail id only. 

8.6  Candidates are required to appear for interaction on the schedule date, time and  venue/mode  at  their  own  cost.  Further,  they  will  show  all  the  original  certificates/mark  sheets/experience  certificates/professional  qualification certificates/training certificates/Aadhar Card/ PAN Card/Category Certificate (if  applicable)/ other documents (if any) etc. along with one set of self- attested copy  of each document. The self- attested copy of each documents to be submitted  with AAICLAS office as and when be asked for it. 


In case it is detected at any stage of recruitment that a candidate does not fulfil the  eligibility norms and / or that he has furnished any incorrect / false information or  has suppressed any material fact(s), his candidature will stand cancelled. If any of  these shortcomings is / are detected even after employment, his services are liable  to be terminated. Decisions of AAICLAS in all matters regarding eligibility, other  tests and selection would be final and binding on all candidates. No representation  or correspondence will be entertained by AAICLAS in this regard. 


If  any  application  received  after  the  due  date,  those  applications  will  not  be  considered  for  interviews  at  later  stage.  All  further  announcements/  details/communication pertaining to this process will only be published/ provided  on  AAICLAS  authorized  website  www.aaiclas.aero  from  time  to  time  and  not through post. 


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