4 Year Integrated Teacher Education Programme (ITEP) 2024

The NCTE, as a statutory body under the Department of School Education & Literacy, Ministry of Education (MoE), Government of India came into existence in pursuance of the National Council for Teacher Education Act, 1993 on 17th August 1995 with the mandate to achieve planned and coordinated development of teacher education throughout the country and to govern the regulation and proper maintenance of norms and standards for teacher education. The organization is a pan-India jurisdiction and comprises various divisions along with 4 Regional Committees namely Northern Regional Council, Eastern Regional Council, Southern Regional Council, and Western Regional Council which are all stationed in New Delhi. The gamut of functions performed by NCTE is very broad covering all the teacher education programmes e.g. Diploma in Elementary Education (D.El. Ed), Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.), Master of Education (M.Ed.), etc. It includes the Integrated Teacher Education Programme (ITEP) for student-teachers to equip them to teach at the Foundational, Preparatory, Middle, and Secondary levels of the new school system in alignment with NEP 2020.

About National Common Entrance Test (NCET 2024)

National Common Entrance Test (NCET) is a national-level examination conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA), on behalf of the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE). Qualifying in NCET is a mandatory requirement for seeking admission to the 4-Year Integrated Teacher Education Programme (ITEP) in selected Central/State Universities/Institutions including IITs, NITs, RIEs, and Government Colleges for the Academic Session 2024-25.

The NCET Information Bulletin is mainly categorized into examination eligibility, application submission, examination centres, content and test components, examination pattern, marks/scores, etc. In all matters concerning NCET 2024, the decision of the NTA and NCTE will be final and binding on all the applicants.


NEP 2020 enacts numerous changes in India’s teacher education sector, one of them is as referred in para15.7: “In order to maintain uniform standards for Teacher Education, the admission to pre-service teacher preparation programmes shall be through suitable subject and aptitude test conducted by the National Testing Agency and shall be standardized keeping in view the linguistic and cultural diversity of the country”.

Integrated Teacher Education Programme

The 4-year integrated B.Ed. will be a dual-major holistic bachelor’s degree, in Education as well as a specialized subject (such as language, history, music, mathematics, computer science, chemistry, economics, art, physical-education, etc.). Beyond the teaching of cutting-edge pedagogy, the teacher education will include a grounding in sociology, history, science, psychology, early childhood care and education, foundational literacy and numeracy, knowledge of India and its values/ethos/art/traditions, and more. [NEP 2020: 15.5]

The letters/e-mails/grievances/queries/RTI applications/Court cases pertaining to admission related matters/procedures will not be entertained by NTA. The same may be addressed to the concerned University/ Institutions/ Government Colleges. Recognition has been granted to selected Central/State Universities/Institutions which also include IITs, NITs, RIEs, and Government Colleges for the Integrated Teacher Education Programme (ITEP) as envisaged in NEP 2020 from the academic session 2024-25. The ITEP is a Dual Major Programme -the first major is in Education with School Specific Stage specialization and the second major is in an opted discipline. The approach to the design and implementation of ITEP are:

  1. Education in Multidisciplinary Environment
  2. 4-year duration after grade 12 of the school system
  3. Admission through the National Common Entrance Test (NCET) conducted by NTA
  4. Minimal degree qualification to become a teacher by 2030
  5. Responsive to new 5+3+3+4 design
  6. Introduction of Credit System as per UGC
  7. Integrated Dual-Major Degree- Disciplinary & Professional Knowledge of Education
  8. Focus on 21st Century Skills
Stage Specialization (5+3+3+4): Each student will specialize in one of the following school stages which will qualify them to become teachers of that Stage:

i) Foundational Stage Specialization (for teaching Pre-School to Grade 2)

ii) Preparatory Stage Specialization (for teaching Grades 3 to Grade 5)

iii) Middle Stage Specialization (for teaching Grades 6 to Grade 8)

iv) Secondary Stage Specialization (for teaching Grades 9 to Grade 12)

 A list of participating institutions is given in Appendix 1.

Role of NTA

The role of NTA is confined to the registration of candidates, the conduct of the test, hosting answer keys, inviting challenges, finalizing answer keys, preparing and declaring results, hosting Scorecards, and handing over the score data to the participating Universities/ Institutions/ Government Colleges. Merit list will be prepared by the aforesaid participating Universities/ Institutions/ Government Colleges, they may conduct their individual counselling based on the scorecard of NCET 2024 provided by NTA

Instructions and Procedure for online submission of Application Form

Candidates must read carefully the Instructions (including how to fill up the Application Form online) given in the Information Bulletin available on the NTA Website: https://ncet.samarth.ac.in Candidates not complying with the instructions shall be summarily disqualified.

Candidates can apply for NCET 2024 through the “Online” mode only. The Application Form in any other mode will not be accepted.

Submission of Application Form should be made by the candidate online through the NTA website: https://ncet.samarth.ac.in/

Instructions for filling Online Application Form:

Download Information Bulletin and Replica of Application Form. Read these carefully to ensure your eligibility. 

Follow the steps given below to Apply Online: 

Step 1: Registration Form: 

Register for the Online Application Form and note down the system-generated Application Number. The candidate should provide the required details while filling the Online Application Form and is also required to create PASSWORD and choose Security Question and enter his/her Answer. After successful submission of the personal details, an Application Number will be generated and it will be used to complete the remaining Steps of the Application Form and will also be required for all future reference/correspondence. For subsequent logins, the candidate will be able to login directly with the respective system-generated Application Number and created Password.

Step 2:  Application Form: 

The Candidates can log in with the system-generated Application Number and pre-created Password for completing the Application Form including filling up personal details, providing the details of educational qualification, University / Institution / Organization and programme selection, test paper details, choosing the Examination Cities, and uploading the images and documents (if any).

Upload Scanned Images of Candidate’s Photograph, Signature and Category Certificate (if applicable), and PwBD Certificate (wherever applicable):

The recent photograph should be either in colour or black and white with 80% face (without mask) visible including ears against a white background.

Scanned photograph and signature should be in JPG/JPEG format (clearly legible).

The size of the scanned photograph should be between 10 kb to 200 kb (clearly legible).

The size of the scanned signature should be between 4 kb to 30 kb (clearly legible).

The size of the scanned copy of the Category certificate (SC/ST/OBC/EWS etc.) should be in pdf between 50kb to 300kb (clearly legible).

The size of the scanned copy of the PwBD certificate should be in pdf between 50 kb to 300 kb (clearly legible).

Note:The Candidate must upload only his/her own photograph, signature, and certificate(s) as mentioned above (and not of anybody else) in a correct/proper manner. In case, it is found at any time in the future that the Candidate has used/uploaded the photograph, signature, and certificate(s) of someone else in his/her Application Form/Admit Card, or he/she has tampered his/her Admit Card/Result/Scorecard, these acts of the candidate shall be treated as Unfair Means (UFM) Practices and action taken as detailed under the provisions of the Information Bulletin relating to Unfair Means Practices.

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