AASL Vijayawada International Airport Recruitment Notification

AI AIRPORT SERVICES LIMITED (formerly known as Air India Air Transport Services Limited) wishestofillinexisting vacancies and maintain a wait-list for vacancies arising in future. Indian Nationals (Male&Female)whomeet with the requirements stipulated as mentioned herein, may apply for various posts at VijayawadaInternational Airport posts on a Fixed Term Contract basis ( 3 Years ) which may be renewedsubjecttotheirperformance and the requirements of the AI Airport Services Limited, “ Internal Candidates alsomaybeapply”,The Number of vacancies given above are indicative and may vary as per the operational requirement. The reservation will be as per the Presidential Directives. The actual reservation of vacancies woulddependuponthe prevailing strength at the time of appointment. AI Airport Services Limited (AIASL) is PSU under Ministry of Civil Aviation (MOCA) and formedwithanaimtoprovide unified Ground Handling services (Ramp, Passenger, Baggage, Cargo Handling and Cabin Cleaning). AI Airport Services Limited is a leading Ground Handling Service provider in India and offers GroundHandlingServices at major airports in India. AIASL presently provides Ground Handling Services at 82+ airports. Apartfromhandling the flights of Air India, Air India Express & Alliance Air also provided for 51 foreign scheduledairlines,4domestic scheduled airlines, 8 Seasonal charter airlines, 23 foreign airlines availing Perishable Cargohandling. From being the first and only Ground Handler in India to handle the Airbus A380 on its maidenflight toIndia, tohandling the futuristic 787 Dream liners at major Airports in India. 


  1. To be the Leader in providing World Class Ground Handling services at all Indian Airports and expand Globally. Mission: 
  2. Provide safe, reliable and on-time services 
  3. Deliver the highest quality of service at all Indian Airports 
  4. Provide State-of-the-Art Ramp Equipment 
  5. Be the epitome of Indian Hospitality 

Processes : 

  1. Continuously improve standards of safety and efficiency 
  2. Continuous modernization and upgrade of ramp equipment

People : 

  1. To maintain an energetic, qualified & a highly motivated professional team
  2. Maintain high degree of work ethics.


Ramp Service Executive - 02 Posts

Salary: Rs.24,960/-

Qualification: 3 –years Diploma in Mechanical/Electrical/ Production / Electronics/ Automobile recognized by the State Government. or ITI with NCTVT (Total 3 years) in motor vehicle Auto Electrical/ Air Conditioning/ Diesel Mechanic/ Bench Fitter/ Welder (ITI with NCTVT – certificate issued from Directorate of Vocational Education and training of any State / Central Government with
one year experience in case of Welder) after passing SSC/Equivalent examination with Hindi/ English / Local Language as one of the subject. AND Candidate must carry original valid Heavy Motor Vehicle (HMV) at the time of appearing for the Trade Test.
Handyman/ HandyWomen -13 Posts

Salary: Rs.18,840

Qualification: SSC /10th Standard Pass. Must be able to read and understand English Language. Knowledge of Local and Hindi Languages, i.e., ability to understand and speak is desirable.

Walk in Interview Date: 16.03.2024 Time : 0900 to 1200hrs

Interview Venue:

NTR College of Veterinary Science. Opposite to Vijayawada International Airport, Gannavaram, Krishna district Andhra Pradesh - 521101

Nature of Job Function – Handyman/Handywomen :

At the Airport, mainly Baggage/Cargo Loading and offloading from the aircraft, trolleys, Assistingwheelchairspassengers and other passengers etc. Passenger as well as Airlines satisfaction is the key requirement. Work pattern will be in Three Shift including night shift and one weekly off on rotation basis. Career Progressionbased on performance and number of years. Entitled for Casual Leave, Sick Leave and eligible for EPFO&ESICetc. as per eligibility. SELECTION PROCEDURE :

Ramp Service Executive :

(a) Trade Test comprise of Trade Knowledge and Driving test including Driving Test of HMV. ThosepassingtheTrade Test alone will be sent for Interview. (b)Personal/Virtual Interview
The selection procedure would be conducted on the same day or on the subsequent day(s). Outstation candidates are advised to make their own arrangement of lodging and boarding at their owncost, ifrequired. 

Handyman / Handywomen :

  1. Physical Endurance Test (like Weight lifting, running). Those qualifying the Physical Endurance Test alonewillbe sent for Interview. 
  2. Personal/Virtual Interview. The selection procedure would be conducted on the same day or on the subsequent day(s). Outstation candidates are advised to make their own arrangement of lodging and boarding at their owncost, ifrequired. Relaxation in age for Ex-servicemen : As per Government guidelines. Applicants meeting with the eligibility criteria mentioned in this advertisement, as on 01st March, 2024,are required to WALK-IN person, to the venue on the date and time specified above. Pleasenotethedatesof the Walk-in.


Applicants meeting with the eligibility criteria mentioned in this advertisement, as on 1st March, 2023, arerequired to WALK-IN in person, to the venue, on the date and time as specified above along withtheApplicationform duly filled-in & copies of the testimonials/certificates (as per attached application format withthisadvertisement) and non-refundable Application Fee of Rs.500/- (Rupees Five Hundred Only) bymeansofaDemand Draft in favor of “AI AIRPORT SERVICES LIMITED.”, payable at Mumbai. No fees are tobepaidbyEx-servicemen / candidates belonging to SC/ST communities. Please write your Full Name &Mobile numberatthereverse side of the Demand Draft. Shortlisted candidates are required to submit the following documents along with the application form whileappearing for interviews:

a. A recent (not more than 3 months old) colored passport size photograph of the full face (front view) shouldbepasted neatly in the space provided in the application form. b. Self-attested copies of the supporting documents in respect of Item Nos. 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,15,16,17&18 of the Application Form must be submitted along with the application. Original Certificates should not be submitted along with the application but should be brought for verification, when appeared for walk-in Interview. The Company is not responsible for returning any original copy/Ies of Certificates/Testimonials submitted with the application. c. Candidates belonging to OBC category must submit a duly attested photocopy of the Caste Certificate in theformat as prescribed by Government of India, issued by the Competent Authority. The certificate, inter-alia, must specifically state that the candidate does not belong to socially advanced sections excluded from the benefits of reservation for OBC in civil posts and services under the Government of India. The Certificate should also contain the „Creamy Layer‟ Exclusion clause. The OBC Certificate produced by the candidates should be as per the Central List of OBCs published by the Govt.of India and not by the State Government. d. Eligible candidates working in the AI Airport Services Limited can also apply for the said post and if selected, they would be considered with service and pay protection. e. Applicants working in Government / Semi-Government / Public Sector Undertakings must apply
with “No Objection Certificate” from their current employer. NOTE:- No fees are to be paid by Ex-servicemen and candidates belonging to SC/ST communities. Thereversesideof DD should indicate the candidate‟s Full Name, Date of Birth & Mobile No.Management reserves therighttochange in above schedule/conditions, based on requirements. The advertisement for this recruitment is being published on our company website, hence please visit ourcompanywebsite www.aiasl.in. 


  1. The short-listed suitable candidates will be considered for engagement on a Fixed TermContract basis, subjecttotheir turn in merit order, availability of vacancies in consideration with reservation for SC/ST/OBC. Theprospectivecandidate should be fit to carry out the duties of the post.  
  2. While applying for the post, the applicant should ensure that he / she fulfills the eligibility andothercriteriamentioned above and that the particulars furnished are correct in all respects. In case it is detectedat anystageofengagement that applicant does not fulfill the eligibility norms and / or that he / she has furnished any incorrect/falseinformation or has suppressed any material fact(s), his / her candidature will automatically stand canceled. If anyoftheabove shortcoming(s) is / are detected even after engagement, his / her contractual engagement is liabletobeterminated without any notice. 
  3. Canvassing in any form and/or bringing any influence, political or otherwise will be treated as a disqualificationforthe post. 
  4. Mere submission of application against the advertisement and apparently fulfilling the criteria as prescribedintheadvertisement would not bestow on him / her right to be called for Personal Interview.
  5. Incomplete applications and / or applications without aforesaid documents will be rejected outright. 
  6. An application once made will not be allowed to be withdrawn and the fees once paid will not be refundedonanyaccount nor can it be held in reserve for any other examination or selection. Therefore, before applying for thepost, theapplicant should ensure that he / she fulfill each of the eligibility criteria and other norms, including submissionofdocuments, as mentioned in this notification. 
  7. Only shortlisted candidates would be contacted for interview and/ or for making an offer, AIASLManagementreserves the right to provide no reasons for rejecting a candidature as well as the right to not publish a selectionlist. 
  8. Period of Contract: Fixed Term Contract basis, if offered. This Contract could also be terminatedearlieratthediscretion of the Management during the tenure of contract, and/or in the event of unsatisfactory performance. Thejobis transferable to any station in India. 
  9. Consideration of SC/ST/OBC/Ex-Servicemen/Economically Weaker Section candidates will be aspertheGovernment Directives on reservation of posts. x) SC/ST candidates who are eligible for the post& residing beyond 80 kms. from the venue and not employedinanyGovernment / Semi-Government / Public Sector Undertaking or Autonomous Bodies, will be reimbursedsecondclassto& fro rail / bus fare by the shortest route as per rules, subject to submission of a request in the prescribedformatandonproduction of evidence to that effect. 
  10. Candidates those who were engaged in AIASL on a contractual basis in any category and got terminatedonany grounds should not apply, as they will not be considered. In case if their termination is found out anystagetheircandidature / engagement will be canceled without giving any notice or assigning reason therefore. 
  11. Applications which are unsigned / incomplete / mutilated / received by post / courier services, will notbeconsidered. No other mode of submissions of application is permitted. xiii) The applicants must ensure that they fulfill all the eligibility criteria, as on 01st March, 2024andthattheparticulars furnished by them in the application are correct in all respects. At any stage of the SelectionProcess, iftheparticulars provided by the applicants in the application or testimonials attached/provided are found incorrect/falseor not meeting with the eligibility criteria prescribed for the post, the candidature is liable to be rejectedand, ifappointed, services will be terminated, without giving any notice or reasons therefore. 
  12. Any canvassing by or on behalf of the candidate or bringing political or other outside influence, withregardtotheirengagement / selection shall be considered as DISQUALIFICATION.
  13.  Prescribed format of Application is given below:

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