Combined notification No.01/ Outsourcing/2024, dated 15.02.2024 for hiring to the posts of Watchmen, Sanitary workers and Office Sub ordinates in Inspection Bungalows under the control of Roads and Buildings Department (on hire Basis)
(Applications are invited from 17.02.2024 to 02.03.2024)
1) Govt. G.A (SU.I) Dept, Circular Memo. No.GAD01-SUOMISC/31/2019-SU-I, Dt. 20.11.2019.
2) G.O.Ms.No.7, Fin. (HR.I-Pig & Policy Dept., Dt.17.01.2022.
3) G.O.Ms.No.63, TR&B (Ser.) Department, Dt.29.11.2023.
4) G.O.Rt.No.29, Transport, Roads & Buildings (Ser. R&B) Dept,Dt.11.01.2024
5) G.O.Rt.No.39, Transport, Roads & Buildings (Ser. R&B) Dept, Dt. 11.01.2024
1. Applications are invited from eligible candidates for recruitment to the posts of Watchmen, Sanitary workers and Office subordinates in Inspection Bungalows in Roads and Buildings Department on hire basis.
2. Proforma of application will be available on the portal from 10.00 AM on 17.02.2024 to 5.00 PM on 02.03.2024.
3. Last date of submission of applications is 05:00 PM on 02.03.2024. Filled in applications shall be submitted in the (R&B) Circle office, Kothagraharam, Vizianagaram, Vizianagaram District, or by Registered post with acknowledgement due addressed to "The Superintending Engineer (R&B), R&B Circle Office, Kothagraharam, Vizianagaram-535001". The concerned candidates are advised to apply as soon as possible without waiting till last date to avoid last hour rush. They are further advised to obtain dated acknowledgement from the receiving authority, in proof of their submission of application.
4. Combined counselling will be conducted for all the three categories together and candidates will be allowed to choose only one category from among them, while exercising his/her option.
5. Qualifications and criteria for selection of outsourcing personnel:
a) The minimum required qualification for the posts of Watchman and Office Subordinate is
pass in '10"" class' or higher qualification and able to read and write in Telugu
Language and must be able to ride a Bicycle/ two wheeler.
b) For the post of Watchman, preference shall be given to an Ex - serviceman or a person
c) having experience as security guard in any security agency.
For the post of Sanitary workers, preference shall be given to the persons with experience in organizations which have expertise in the field of sanction viz., M/s Sulabh International Social Service.
d) No personnel will be eligible for selection who are facing criminal cases in the Court of Law.
e) Personal who are member of any organization banned by the Central or State Government are not eligible.
f) Persons selected are liable to be removed from the post without any notice, if they are found to have suppressed any information with regard to genuineness of the qualifications, experience certificates, pendency of criminal cases against them or any other information submitted by them.
6. Evaluation Matrix & Minimum Educational Qualification (Academic, Experience):
The candidate should possess prescribed academic and experience for the post they
are applying for as on the date of this notification (which will be taken for reckoning
weightage for Outsourcing / outsource / honorarium service and for waiting period
weightage after completion of academic / technical / professional qualifications as
If the applicant possesses an equivalent qualification to prescribed qualification in this
notification applicant shall enclose a copy of the Government orders to that effect to
the application, failing which their application will be rejected.
Office Subordinate - 7 Posts
Watchmen - 5 Posts
Safaikarmachari - 6 Posts
AGE: Upper age limits is 42 years. Age will be reckoned as on 01.07.2023 as per G.O. Ms.
No.105, GA (Ser. A) Dept., Dt.27.09.2021 with relaxations as applicable. Relaxations will
be as follows:
a. For SC, ST, BC and EWS candidates: 05 (Five) years.
b. For Ex-serviceMen:03 (Three) years in addition to the length of service in armed
c. For differently abled persons : 10 (Ten) years.
d. Maximum age limit is 52 years with all relaxations put together.
e. Vacancies to Watchman, Office Subordinate & Sanitary Workers in the Vizianagaram District
The age of the persons eligible for selection for above posts shall be the age prescribed in
Rule- 12 of A.P State and Subordinate Service Rules, 1996 amended by the Govt. from time to time.
Duties of the Outsourcing personnel:
I. Duties of Watchman: The Watchman and his family shall reside in the
accommodation provided in the Inspection Bungalows and they will not be allowed to
reside outside the Inspection Bungalow under any circumstances.
a) The Watchman is completely responsible for the furniture, Electrical
equipment, sanitary material and of the requirement in the I.B.
b) The Watchman is also responsible for the clean and healthy atmosphere in the I.B.
II. Duties of Office Subordinate:
a)The Office Subordinate/(s) shall be available in the Inspection Bungalow.
b) If two or more Office Subordinate are allotted to any Inspection Bungalow,
then they shall work in shift system.
c)The Office Subordinate is responsible for assisting the VIPs/ Central/ State
Officials or the general public occupying the Inspection Bungalow.
d) He shall assist the Watchman in keeping a clean and healthy atmosphere in
the I.B. apart from other responsibilities entrusted by the Manager / Care
III. Duties of Sanitary Worker:
a)The Sanitary worker is responsible for clean and healthy atmosphere in the
Inspection Bungalow.
b)They shall clean the Inspection Bungalow twice in a day.
c) They shall attend to any other work entrusted by the Care Taker. (Assistant
Executive Engineer (R&B) Concerned)
As per the G.O. 2nd cited, for the selection of certain posts to R&B Department for
maintenance of Guest houses and constituted a committee with the following members for selection of above personnel
a.District Collector/Joint Collector–Chairman
b. District Revenue Officer–Member
c. District Tourism Officer-Member
d. District Employment Officer–Member
e. Project Director, DRDA –Member
f. General Manager, Industries – Member
g. The Superintending Engineer/District(R&B) Engineering Officer–Member/
The candidates claiming service weightage shall submit original Outsourcing certificates
issued by competent authority along with copy of appointment orders.
i. Applications without the Experience certificates as prescribed above will not
be considered for service weightage.
(Note: Certificates taken earlier are valid. If additional period of service is
there, fresh certificate to that effect shall be obtained and enclosed)
ii. Outsourcing service will be reckoned up to the date of notification as per Govt.
Memo. No. 4274/D1/2013, HM&FW (D1) Dept., Dt. 10.07.2014.
The tenure for the Outsourcing posts is initially for one year from the date of joining in the post and may be extended for further period as per the instructions issued by the
Government from time to time. The District Selection Committee reserves all the rights
to terminate the Outsourcing of any candidate / candidates at any time without assigning any reasons.
6. Self attested copies of the certificates to be enclosed to the filled inapplication:
a. SSC or its equivalent (for date of Birth)
b. Pass certificates of qualifications prescribed for the posts concerned.
c. Proof of appearance for the qualifying examination wherever applicable.
d. Marks memos of all years of qualifying examinations or its equivalent. In the
absence of marks memos, marks will be calculated as per rules in force.
e. Local candidate study certificates from Class IV to X from the school where the
candidate for that particular 7 years period preceding to the year of passing X class
from competent authority in Form Appendix I certificate of residence prescribed vide
sub clause (ii) of clause (a) of para 7 of the Presidential Order (Proforma is herewith
enclosed). Candidates migrated from Telangana shall submit certificate of Local
candidature as per GO No.132 & 133, Dt.13.06.2017 in the absence of the suitable
certificate, the candidate will be considered as non local and further action will be as
per rules in force.
f. Copy of valid caste certificate. In case of non submission of valid caste certificate, the
candidate will be considered as OC.
g. Latest EWS (Economically weaker section) certificate issued by the competent
authority in case of the EWS categories. Certificate of disability issued in SADAREM.
h. Service certificate from the controlling officer concerned / any competent authority who appointed the applicant) for claiming weightage for Outsourcing outsourcing/honorary service, in the absence of which the candidate will not be given service weightage
i. Any other certificates as relevant and applicable.
Note:- Candidates must submit clear, visible documents (a to i) of above para failing
which application will be summarily rejected. Applications without the above
documents will be summarily rejected.
For all above post’s, only local candidates are eligible i.e., citizens of
Vizianagaram District.
9 Important information to candidates:
a. if selected, he /she should stay at the bonafide Head Quarters compulsorily.
b. If selected and appointed he /she should abide by the Government rules in force regularly from time to time.
c. Candidates are advised to follow official website of the District from time to time for further information.
d. The candidate who submit fake/false information shall be liable for criminal prosecution besides
rejection of the application for cancellation of selection, as the case may be.
e. The Selection Committee shall issue appointment orders to the selected candidates in terms of service rules of the respective Managements existing as on the date as per choice exercised by
the selected candidates
a. Candidates should make sure of their eligibility to the post applied for and that the declaration made by them in the format of application regarding their eligibility in all aspects. Any candidate furnishing in-correct information or making false declaration regarding his/her eligibility at any
stage or suppressing any information is liable to be debarred from recruitment conducted by the department and summarily rejection of their candidature for this recruitment & future
b. The department is vested with duty of conducting recruitment and selection as per rules duly maintaining utmost secrecy and confidentiality in this process and any attempt by any one causing or likely to cause breach of this duty in such manner or such action as to violate or likely to violate the fair practices followed and ensured by the department will be sufficient for
rendering such questionable means ground for debarment.
a. The decision of the District Selection Committee regarding acceptance or rejection of the candidature, conduct of counseling and at all consequent stages culminating in the selection or otherwise of any candidates shall be final in all respects and binding on all concerned under the powers vested.
b. With the District Selection Committee also reserves its right and modify regarding time and conditions laid down in the notification for conducting the various stages up to selection duly intimating details thereof to all concerned as warranted by any unforeseen circumstances arising during the course of this process.
All interested and eligible candidates shall apply after satisfying themselves that they are eligible as per the terms and conditions of this recruitment notification. Any application sent through any mode other than the prescribed offline mode (physical application) and by Registered post will not be entertained under any circumstances. Submission of application form by the candidate is authentication that he/ she has read the notification and shall abide by the terms and conditions laid down there under.
1. Notification Date: 17.02.2024
2. Last date of receipt of applications: 02.03.2024
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