1.1. Applications are invited through online from eligible candidates for the post of Lecturers in Government Polytechnic Colleges (Engineering and Non-Engineering) in A.P Technical Education Service for a total of 99 CF vacancies in the scale of pay of Rs. 56,100/- - 98,400/- (AICTE 2016 Pay Scales) within the age group of 18 - 42 years as on 01.07.2023.
1.2. The candidate shall apply online through Commission’s Website https://psc.ap.gov.in The application can be submitted from 29/01/2024 to 18/02/2024 up to 11:59 midnight.
1.3. The applicant who desires to apply for the above post shall login the Commission’s Website, with his/her registered OTPR number. In case, the candidate is applying for the first time to the posts notified by A.P.P.S.C. he/she shall register his/her bio-data particulars through One Time Profile Registration (OTPR) on the Commission’s Website viz., https://psc.ap.gov.in Once applicant registers his/her particulars, a user ID is generated and sent to his/her registered mobile number and email ID.
Note: i. OTPR (One Time Profile Registration) is not considered as an application for any post under any circumstances.
ii. The applicants are advised to retain their mobile number and Email ID registered in OTPR for receiving OTPR/SMS for further communication.
1.4. The selection to the post shall be on the basis of Written Examination in Computer Based Recruitment Test mode to be conducted by the Commission. The Written Examination will be held in the Month of April/May, 2024.
1.5. The candidates are required to visit the Commission’s website regularly to keep themselves updated about dates of written examinations are to be held. The examination would be in objective type and questions are to be answered on computer system. Instructions regarding computer based recruitment test are attached as Annexure - III.
1.6. A general Mock Test facility is available to the applicants on the Commission’s website to acquaint themselves with the computer based recruitment test. Applicant can visit the website and practice the answering pattern under MOCK TEST option available on main page of website https://psc.ap.gov.in
1.7. The applicant is required to visit the Commission’s website regularly to keep himself /herself updated until completion of the recruitment process. The Commission’s website information is final for all correspondence. No individual correspondence by any means will be entertained under any circumstances.
1.8. HALL TICKETS for the written Examination will be hosted on Commission’s website for downloading. Instructions would be given through the website regarding downloading of Hall Tickets.
1.9. All desirous and eligible candidates shall apply online after satisfying themselves as per the terms and conditions of this recruitment notification. Any application sent through any mode other than the prescribed online mode will not be entertained under any circumstances. Submission of application form by the candidate is construed as he / she read the notification and shall abide by the terms and conditions laid down there under.
1.10. The details of vacancies are as follows:
i. He / She is of sound health, active habits and free from any bodily defect or infirmity rendering him unfit for such service;
ii. His / Her character and antecedents are such as to qualify him/her for such service;
iii. He /She possesses the academic and other qualifications prescribed for the post: and
iv. He/ She is a citizen of India: Provided that no candidate other than a citizen of India may be appointed except with the previous sanction of the State Government and except in accordance with such conditions and restrictions as they may be laid down. Such sanction shall not be accorded unless the State Government are satisfied that sufficient number of citizens of India, who are qualified and suitable are not available.
The candidate should possess the prescribed academic qualification as on the date of this notification. The date of this notification shall be the crucial date for calculating the experience including the practical experience. In respect of other than prescribed Educational Qualifications, claiming equivalence, the decision of the concerned department (Unit Officer) shall be final
4.1. There will be Vertical Reservations in direct recruitment in respect of Scheduled Tribes,
Scheduled Castes, Backward Classes and Economically Weaker Sections and Horizontal
Reservations in respect of Persons with Benchmark Disabilities, Women and Meritorious
Sports Persons as per Rule 22, 22(A) and 22(B) of A.P. State and Subordinate Service Rules,
1996 as amended vide G.O.Ms.No.77, G.A. (Ser-D) Dept., Dt: 02.08.2023.
NOTE: The candidates belonging to SC, ST, BC, EWS & PBD and who avails upper age
relaxation will also be considered for OC vacancies”.
4.2. There shall be Reservation to Women horizontally to an extent of 33 1/3% in terms of Rule
22, 22 (A) and 22 (B) of A.P. State and Subordinate Service Rules, 1996 as amended vide
G.O. Ms. No. 77, GA(Ser-D) Dept., Dt:02.08.2023.
4.3. There will be reservations in direct recruitment in respect of Person with Benchmark
Disability (PBD) as per Rule 22, 22 (A) and 22 (B) of State and Subordinate Service Rules
and read with Departmental Special Rules.
4.4. The Person with Benchmark Disability (PBD) means a person suffering from not less than
forty percent of any disability as certified by a medical authority except hearing
Impairment. Hearing Impairment means a) “deaf” means persons having 70 DB hearing
loss in speech frequencies in both ears; b) “hard of hearing” means persons having 60 DB
to 70 DB hearing loss in speech frequencies in both ears; as per provision under “Person
with Disabilities Act, 1995”, The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 and The Rights
of Persons with Disabilities Rules, 2017, dt: 15.06.2017 as per G.O.Ms.No.36, Dept., for
Women, Children, Differently Abled & Senior Citizens (Prog.II), Dt: 23.08.2023.
4.5. The following are the categories of Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PBD) as per
G.O.Ms.No.77, G.A. (Ser-D) Dept., Dated: 02.08.2023:
a) Blindness and low vision
b) Deaf and hard hearing
c) Loco motor disability including cerebral palsy, leprosy cured, dwarfism, acid attack
victims and muscular dystrophy.
d) Autism, Intellectual disability, Specific learning disability, Mental illness.
e) Multiple disabilities from amongst persons under clauses (a) to (d) including deafblindness in the posts identified for each disabilities.
4.6. If eligible disabled candidates of a particular category are not available, to fill up the carry forward vacancy, the same shall be filled-up by the method of interchanging as per G.O. Ms. No.23, department for Women, Children, Disabled and Senior Citizen (DW) Dept., Dated: 26.05.2011 and G.O.Ms.No.99, General Admn (Services -D) Dept., dated: 04.03.2013 read with G.O. Ms. No.77, G.A. (Services-D) Dept., dt:02/08/2023.
4.7. Evaluation of various physical disabilities and procedure for certification will be as per orders contained in G.O.Ms.No.36, Dept., for Women, Children, Differently Abled & Senior Citizens (Prog.II) Dt: 23.08.2023.
4.8. Reservation to BC-E group will be subject to the adjudication of the litigation before the Hon’ble Courts including final orders in Civil Appeal No: 2628-2637 of 2010 in SLP( C). No. 7388-7397 of 2010, dated: 25/03/2010 and orders from the Government.
4.9. The candidates claiming status of non-creamy layer of Backward Class have to obtain a Certificate in terms of G.O. Ms. No. 3, Backward Classes Welfare (C-2) Department, Dated 04.04.2006 read with G.O. Ms. No. 26 Backward Classes Welfare(C) Department, Dated 09.12.2013 regarding their exclusion from the Creamy Layer from the competent authority (Tahasildar) and produce the same at appropriate time of verification. In case of failure to produce the same on the day of verification, the Candidature will be considered against open competition, if he / she is otherwise eligible in all aspects.
4.10. Economically Weaker Sections means the persons who are not covered under existing scheme of reservations for the SCs, the STs and Socially and Educationally Backward Classes and whose gross annual family income is below Rs.8.00 lakh. Only such persons are identified as Economically Weaker Sections for the benefit of reservations. The persons seeking the benefit of reservation under EWS category shall obtain the necessary EWS Certificate issued by the Tahsildar concerned and produce at an appropriate time to the Commission as per G.O.Ms.No:73, GA(SER-D)Dept,Dt:04-08-2021.
4.11. In the case of candidates who claim the benefit of reservation or relaxation from upper age limit on the basis of Caste/Tribe or Community/Category the basic document of proof of Community/Category will be the Certificate issued by the Revenue Authorities not below the rank of Tahsildar in the case of SC/ST/EWS and Non Creamy Layer Certificate issued by the Revenue Authorities in the case of Backward Classes. The list of Caste/Tribe/Community is as incorporated in Schedule-I of above Rules. The list is also appended at Annexure –IV. The candidates have to produce proof of the community claimed in their application at all stages of selection along with the certificates relating to Educational Qualifications and local status certificates etc. Subsequent claim of change of community will not be entertained.
4.12. Caste & Community: Community Certificate issued by the competent authority in terms of G.O. Ms No. 58, SW (J) Dept., dt.12/5/97 should be submitted at appropriate time. As per A.P. State and Subordinate Service Rules, Rule -2(28) Explanation: In so far as claiming for SC reservation is concerned, No person who professes a religion different from Hinduism shall be deemed a member of Schedule Caste. However, scheduled caste converts to Buddhism deemed to be scheduled caste. BCs, SCs, STs & EWS belonging to other States are not entitled for reservation.
4.13. Horizontal Reservation cuts across vertical reservation (in what is called inter-locking reservation) and persons selected against the quota for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities / Meritorious Sports Persons have to be placed in the appropriate category viz. SC / ST / BC / EWS / Unreserved depending upon the category to which they belong in the roster meant for reservation of SCs/STs/BCs/EWSs as per G.O. Ms. No.77, G.A. (Ser-D) Dept., Dt: 02.08.2023.
4.14. The reservations and relaxations to different categories/communities are applicable only in case of availability of vacancies to the respective category / community as announced through this notification.
5.1. The specification of a post is determined by the concerned Department with reference to both vertical and horizontal reservations as well as local reservation. The reservations are specified through the indent by the concerned department and the general criteria with regard to reservations are given below.
5.2. Reservation to the Local candidates is applicable as provided in Article 371-D as per G.O.Ms.No.674, G.A (SPF- A) Department, dated.20.10.1975 and rules as amended from time to time and as in force on the date of notification. The candidates claiming reservation as Local candidates should obtain the required Study Certificate(s) (from IV Class to X Class or SSC) OR Residence Certificate in the proforma prescribed for those candidates who have not studied in any Educational Institutions as the case may be. The relevant certificates with authorized signature shall be produced as and when required.
5.3. As per G.A (SPF & MC) Department letter No. 5352/SPF & MC/2018, Dated:01-02-2018 clarified the A.P. local status of the candidate for direct recruitment with reference to the provisions of paragraph 7 of the Presidential Order,1975 that the 2 year period of study (9th & 10th class) under National Integration Scheme at outside the State of A.P. and he/she studies from 4th class to 8th class in Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya in A.P. District and there after migrated to Navodaya Schools in outside the state of A.P. under National Integration Scheme may be treated as the study in Navodaya Schools in A.P. in which he/she been admitted originally for the purpose of determining the local candidature of the candidate.
6.1. A local candidate has been defined in G.O.Ms.No.674, General Administration (SPF-A) Department, dated:20.10.1975 "LOCAL CANDIDATE" as follows: “Local Candidate:- (1) A candidate for direct recruitment to any post shall be regarded as a local candidate in relation to a local area.
(a) in cases where a minimum educational qualification has been prescribed for recruitment to the post.
(i) “if he/she has studied in an educational institution or educational institutions in such local area for a period of not less than four consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in which he appeared or, as the case may be, first appeared for the relevant qualifying examination; or
7.1. Minimum 18 years and Maximum 42 years as on 01/07/2023, as per G.O.Ms.No.109, GA (Ser-A) Dept., Dt.10.10.2023.
N.B.: No person shall be eligible if less than 18 years and more than 42 years.
1.BC and EWS 5 Years
2. SC, ST & PBD 10 Years
3. Ex-Service men Shall be allowed to deduct from his age a period of 3 years in addition to the length of service rendered by him in the armed forces / NCC.
4. N.C.C. (who have worked as Instructor in N.C.C.)
5. Regular A.P. State Government Employees (Employees of Corporations, Municipalities etc. are not eligible). Allowed to deduct from his age the length of regular Service under State Government up to a maximum of five years for the purposes of the maximum age limit.
6. Retrenched temporary employees in the State Census Department with a minimum service of 6 months. 3 Years
Provided that the persons referred to at Sl.Nos.3 & 4 above shall, after making the deductions referred to in sub Rule 12 (c) (i) & (ii) of A.P. State and Subordinate Service Rules not exceed the Maximum age limit prescribed for the post.
The age relaxation for Ex-Servicemen is applicable for those who have been released from Armed Forces other than by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency
STEP-I: The applicant desires to apply for the post shall login the Commission’s Website with his/her registered OTPR number. Candidate applying for the first time for any notification has to first fill the OTPR application carefully to obtain OTPR ID. While filling the OTPR, the candidate has to ensure that the particulars are filled correctly. The Commission bears no responsibility for the mistakes, if any, made by the candidates. If candidates choose to modify they may do so by clicking the modify OTPR make the modification, save them and proceed to STEP-II.
STEP-II: The Applicant has to Login in the Commission’s website with the User Name (OTPR ID) and the Password set by Candidate. After Login, the Applicant has to click on the “Online Application Submission” present in the bottom right corner of the Commission’s website. The applicant now has to click on the Fill Application button against the notification number that he / she wants to apply.
STEP-III: After checking all the data and ensuring that the data is correct the applicant has to fill application specific data such as Local/Non Local status, White card details etc., which are also used to calculate the Fee. Hence if any details are to be changed, applicant should use the modify OTPR link, modify the details, save it and again click on online application submission. Once all the data such as Qualification details, Post preferences, examination centre, etc filled carefully and submit the Application form with Save or Save & Submit option. If candidate click on save button the application details are only save due to power/service issues. The applicant has to click on the Save & Submit button payment link will be generated.
NOTE: 1. By click on “Save” button the application details given by you will be partially saved at our end. However, your application will not be submitted until you click on “Save & Submit” button.
2. By click on “Save & Submit” button you will be directed to the payment gateway and on successful payment of fee, your application will be finally submitted.
3. Applicant shall note that the data displayed from OTPR at the time of submitting the application will be considered for the purpose of this notification only. Any changes made by the applicant in OTPR data at later date shall not be considered for the notification on hand.
PAYMENT PROCESS: The applicant has to check the basic details for calculation of the fee and age relaxation will be pre-populated from the OTPR data. The applicant has to verify all the details that are displayed. Once the payment form is submitted, the respective details (used for Calculation of fee and age relaxation) will not be altered in any stage of application processing. On successful submission, the payment reference ID is generated and SMS alter sent to the registered Mobile Number of the candidate.
The candidate can download the filled application pdf for ready reference / correspondence.
STEP-IV: In any case if the payment process is not submitted successfully, then the applicant should start the fresh payment process as mentioned in STEP-II.
STEP-V: Once the application is submitted successfully, corrections in the application will be enabled after the last date of the submission of application and will be allowed up to 7 days only from the last date of applications. The corrections can be made in the application form itself. Fields which affect the Name, fee and age relaxations are not enabled for corrections.
A. The Commission is not responsible, for any omissions made by the applicant in biodata particulars while submitting the application form online. The applicants are therefore, advised to strictly follow the instructions given in the user guide before submitting the application.
B. All the candidates are requested to submit their application with correct data. It is noticed that some of the candidates are requesting for change in the data, after submission of the application. It is informed that such requests shall be allowed on payment of Rs.100/- (Rupees Hundred Only) for each correction. However changes are not allowed for Name, Fee and age relaxation. No manual application for corrections shall be entertained.
C. The particulars furnished by the applicant in the application form will be taken as final. Candidates should, therefore, be very careful in uploading / submitting the application form online.
D. Incomplete / incorrect application form will be summarily rejected. The information if any furnished by the candidate subsequently will not be entertained by the Commission under any circumstances. Applicants should be careful in filling-up the application form and submission. If any lapse is detected during the scrutiny, the candidature will be rejected even though he / she comes to the final stage of recruitment process or even at a later stage and also liable for punishment as per Para 16.1 of this notification.
E. Before uploading / Submission Application Form, the Candidates should carefully ensure his / her eligibility for this recruitment. No relevant column of the application form should be left blank; otherwise application form will not be accepted.
9.1. Applicant must pay Rs. 250/- (Rupees two hundred and fifty only) towards application processing fee and Rs 120/- (Rupees one hundred twenty only) towards examination fee.
9.2. However, the following categories of candidates are exempted from payment of examination fee Rs.120/- only.
i) SC, ST, BC, PBD & Ex-Servicemen.
ii) Families having Household Supply White Card issued by Civil Supplies Department, A.P. Government. (Residents of Andhra Pradesh)
iii) Un-employed youth as per G.O.Ms.No.439, G.A (Ser- A) Dept., dated: 18/10/1996 should submit declaration at an appropriate time to the Commission.
iv) Applicants belonging to the categories mentioned above (except Ex-Service Men) hailing from other States are not entitled for exemption from payment of fee and not entitled for claiming any kind of reservation.
v) Candidates belonging to other States shall pay the prescribed examination fee of Rs.120/-(Rupees one hundred and twenty only), along with processing fee of Rs. 250/- (Rupees two hundred and fifty only) through different channels as indicated at Para-8. Otherwise such applications will not be considered and no correspondence on this will be entertained.
9.3. If candidate is eligible for more than one post he/she shall submit separate application for each eligible post.
i) The Fee mentioned in the above paragraph is to be paid online using Payment using Net Banking/ Credit card / Debit Card. The list of Banks providing service for the purpose of online remittance of Fee will be available on the Website.
ii) The fee once remitted shall not be refunded or adjusted under any circumstances. Failure to pay the examination fee and application fee (in nonexempt case) will entail total rejection of application.
iii) IPOs / Demand Drafts are not accepted.
iv) In case of corrections Rs.100/- per correction will be charged. However changes are not allowed for name, fee and age relaxation.
10.1 Scheme of written examination is prescribed vide G.O.Ms.No.141, Finance (HR-I Plg. & Policy) Department, Dt: 01.08.2016 read with G.O Ms. No.100, GA (SER-A) Dept., dated: 30.09.2022 and Scheme & Syllabus is prescribed for Computer Proficiency Test (CPT) vide G.O.Ms.No.26, G.A. (Ser-B) Dept., Dt: 24.02.2023.
10.2 As per G.O. Ms. No.235, Finance (HR-I, Plg & Policy) Dept., Dt. 06/12/2016, for each wrong answer will be penalized with 1/3rd of the marks prescribed for the question.
10.3 The Scheme & Syllabus for written examination and CPT is shown in Annexure-II.
The centres of examination will be announced separately. The applicant may choose the Test centre with three preferences. However the Commission reserves the right to allot the applicant to any centre of examination depending on the availability of the resources like centers / systems.
12.1. The Commission would publish initial answer key(s) for the question paper(s) on its website after conduct of the examination. If the candidates have any objections with regard to the initial key / questions they shall have to file the objections within three days after publication of the initial key in the prescribed proforma available in the website. Any objection filed after expiry of specified time would not be entertained.
12.2. The objections received if any on initial key, would be examined by referring it to three subject experts and finalize the key as per the decision of the Commission. And the key so finalized shall be final and no further objections shall be taken in to account.
12.3. The candidate shall pay Rs.100/- per objection raised by him/her against question / initial answer key within the stipulated time and procedure as above. In case of genuine objections, which are sustained in the final analysis, the amount will be reimbursed to the candidate.
12.4. The question paper for General Studies & Mental Ability is set in English and translated in to Telugu language. English version will be considered as the authentic version for valuation purpose. The Subject question papers will be in English medium only.
12.5. With regard to situation where there is deletion of questions, if any, from any paper, scaling (proportionate increase) would be done for that particular part of the paper to the maximum marks prescribed for the paper and the marks would be rounded off to 2 decimals to determine the merit of the candidate.
ANSWER KEY: Answer key would be published on the website.
13.1. Vacancies: The recruitment will be made to the vacancies notified only. There shall be no waiting list as per G.O. Ms. No. 81, General Administration (Ser. A) Department, Dated 22/02/1997, G.O.Ms.No.544, General Administration (Ser. A) Department, Dated: 04.12.1998 and Rule 6 of APPSC Rules of Procedure. In any case, no cognizance will be taken by Commission of any vacancies arising or reported after the completion of the selection and recruitment process or the last date as decided by the Commission as far as this Notification is concerned, and these will be further dealt with as per G.O. & Rule cited above. As per G.O.Ms.No:139 Finance HR (I) Planning Policy Dept., dt: 28/07/2016, Rule 7 of APPSC Rules of procedure regarding relinquished vacancies has been deleted.
13.2. The recruitment will be processed as per this notification and as per the Rules and Instructions issued by the Government and also as decided by the Commission from time to time. Further, in terms of G.O.Ms.No.178 Higher Education (TE-I) department, Dt. 09/12/2005, G.O.Ms.No.29 Skills Development & Training (TE.A2) Department, Dt.07/11/2022 and Special Rules / Adhoc Rules Governing the recruitment and other related GOs, Rules etc., are applicable.
13.3. Rules: The various conditions and criteria prescribed herein are governed by the A.P. State and Subordinate Service Rules, 1996 read with the relevant Special Rules applicable to any particular service in the departments. Any guidelines or clarification is based on the said Rules, and, in case of any necessity, any matter will be processed as per the relevant General and Special Rules as in force.
13.4. The Commission is empowered under the provisions of Article 315 to 320 of the Constitution of India read with relevant laws, rules, regulations and executive instructions and all other enabling legal provisions in this regard to conduct examination for appointment to the posts notified herein, duly following the principle of order of merit as per Rule 3(vi) of the APPSC Rules of Procedure read with relevant statutory provisions and ensuring that the whole recruitment and selection process is carried out with utmost regard to secrecy and confidentiality so as to ensure that the principle of merit is scrupulously followed.
13.5. Zonal/Local: In terms of Para 4 of the G.O., A.P. Public Employment (Organization of Local Cadres and Regulation of Direct Recruitment) Order, 1975 (G.O.Ms.No.674, G.A. (SPF-A) Dept., dated: 20/10/1975) read with G.O.Ms.No.124, General Administration (SPF-A) Department, dated: 07/03/2002, “The provisional list shall be divided into two parts. The first part shall comprise 30% of the posts consisting of combined merit lists of locals as well as non-locals and the remaining second part shall comprise the balance 70% of the posts consisting of locals only and the posts shall be filled duly following the rule of reservation”.
13.6. The persons already in Government Service / Autonomous bodies / Government aided institutions etc., whether in permanent or temporary capacity or as work charged employees are however required to inform, in writing, to their Head of Office/ Department that they have applied for this recruitment.
13.7. A candidate shall be disqualified for appointment, if he himself or through relations or friends or any others has canvassed or endeavored to enlist for his candidature, extraneous support, whether from official or non-official sources for appointment to this service.
13.8. The Candidates who have obtained Degrees through Open Universities / Distance Education mode are required to have recognition by the Distance Education Council, Government of India. Unless such Degrees have been recognised by the D.E.C. they will not be accepted for purpose of Educational Qualification. The onus, in case of doubt, of Proof of recognition by the D.E.C. that their Degrees / Universities have been recognised, rests with the candidate. Candidates may also refer G.O.R.T.No.143, Higher Education (EC) Dept., Dated: 11.07.2018 and the Supreme Court judgment dated: 03.11.2017 in this connection.
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