RRC Various Posts Recruitment Notification in Northern Railway

 Railway Recruitment Cell, Northern Railway, Delhi invites ONLINE applications from regular and eligible employees (except RPF/RPSF) of Northern Railway, Rail Coach Factory Kapurthala, Modern Coach Factory Raibereilly, and diesel Loco Modernization Works Patiala for filling up the vacancies against General Departmental competitive Examination (GDCE) as indicated below: 

Recruitment Posts:

Asstt. Loco Pilot 

Train Manager/Goods Guard








Junior Engineer/P.Way 

1. The above medical standards are indicative and not exhaustive and applicable to candidates in general.

The candidates are advised to read Chapter 5 of Indian Railway Medical Manual (IRMM) Volume I
which can also be accessed atwww.indianrailway.gov.in.

1.1 Candidates are advised to ensure that they are eligible as per the medical standards for the post. In case  of, failure of the candidate to pass the prescribed medical fitness for the post, he will not be considered  suitable for empanelment of the post.

1.2 Those employees who have been declared Medically Unfit at the time of Initial appointment in the
 prescribed Medical Standard of the Post being applied for this notification need not apply


2.1 Only serving regular employees, possessing prescribed minimum education and /or technician
qualification as indicated against each posts in the table given above, of Northern Railway, Rail Coach
Factory Kapurthala, Modern Coach factory Raibereilly and diesel loco Modernization works Patiala
who are working in lower grade pay posts & at the best in the same grade pay for which GDCE is being
held are eligible to appear in the GDCE.

2.2 Before filling up the online application, candidates are advised to thoroughly read all the instructions
and information in the Notification available on the RRC/NR official website www.rrcnr.org

2.3 Candidates are advised to visit only official website of the RRC/NR, Northern Railway be very careful about fake websites and jobracketeers.

2.4 Candidates should have their own mobile number, valid& active personal e-mail Id and keep them
active for the entire duration of recruitment, as RRC shall send all recruitment related communications
only through SMS and e-mail till the recruitment is completely over.    

RRC will not entertain any request for change of mobile number and email address after submission of

2.5 Applications are to be filled “ONLINE ONLY” and submitted only after being duly verified by
establishment Officers. through the RRC/NR official website www.rrcnr.org

2.6 Eligibility of the candidates will be considered only on the strength of the information furnished in the ONLINE Application. Candidates need NOT send printouts of application or Certificates or copies to RRC concerned by post. If at any stage of recruitment or thereafter, it is found that any information
furnished by the candidate in his/her application is false/incorrect or the candidate has suppressed any
relevant information or thecandidate does not satisfy the eligibility criteria for the post(s), his/her
candidature will be rejectedforthwith.

2.7 To avoid last minute rush, candidates are advised in their own interest to register and submit ONLINE application much before the closing date since there may be a possibility of inability/failure to log on to the website on account of heavy load on the internet or website during last days of onlineregistration. RRC do not accept any responsibility for the candidates not being able to register and/or submit their application within the last day on account of aforesaid reasons or any other reason.
2.8 All regular employees working in grades lower than the grades/pay scale for which GDCE is being
conducted are eligible to appear in GDCE selection for allcategories.

2.9 All regular employeesworking in same grade/pay scale for which GDCE is being conducted are eligible to appear in selection for GDCE from Non-Safety to Safety category posts as well as Safety to Safetycategoryposts.

2.10 Candidates are not allowed to apply for the same post on which presently working.

2.10 (A) All employees should possess the prescribed education as well as medical eligibility for the post theyare applying for.
2.11 RPF/RPSF personnel are not eligible to apply against the GDCE scheme in terms of Railway Board’s letter No. E (NG) I/2002/PM2/9 dated11.08.2003.

2.12 Allotment of post shall be on the basis of merit cum option. Allotment of post shall be final and binding
on the candidate and no appeal will be entertained.

2.13 Please note that post preference once opted shall be treated as final and no change is permissible at any stage.


 The candidate after registering and filling the application ONLINE, should take the printout (hard
 copy) of the application and get it signed from his/her immediate supervisor and controlling
 officer(departmental officer under whose control the employee is working) and then upload the
 signed PDF on official website latest by 01/09/2023.
 Please note that the last date for filling the application form is 28/08/2023. Last date for uploading the
 signed PDF is 01/09/2023.

2.15 Those employees who have been declared Medically Unfit at the time of Initial appointment in the
prescribed Medical Standard of the Post being applied for this notification need not apply.


3.1 Malpractices: Any candidate found using unfair means of any kind in the examination/CBT, sending
someone else in his/her place to appear in the examination, attempt to impersonate will be debarred
from appearing in all the examinations of all the RRCs & RRBs for lifetime in addition to departmental
disciplinary action. Such candidates are also liable for legal prosecution.

3.2 Banned items: Electronic gadgets like mobile phones, blue tooth, pen drive, laptops, calculators, wrist watches or any other communication devices or pen/pencil, wallet/purses, belts, shoes and metallic wears including ornaments etc. are strictly NOT allowed inside the exam hall. Any infringement of this instruction shall entail summary rejection besides legal action including debarment from future examinations. Candidates are advised in their own interest not to bring any of the banned items including mobile phones etc. to the venue of the examination, as arrangements for safe keeping
cannot beassured.

3.3 Stages of Exam: There shall be single stage Computer Based Test (CBT) followed by Aptitude Test

3.4 Call Letters: Candidates will have to download the e-Call Letters, City and Date intimations, and
Travel Authority (wherever applicable) from the links provided on the official websites of RRC NR.


The upper age limit will be 42 years for UR candidates, 45 years for OBC candidates and47 years
forSC/ST candidates.

The lower and upper age limit indicated for the post(s) in the Vacancy Table will be reckoned as on

Important Dates:

Date of Publication in RRC/NR website 28.07.2023
Opening Date & Time for ONLINE Registration & Filling of Application 29.07.2023
Closing Date & Time for ONLINE Registration & Filling of Application 28.08.2023
Date for uploading of signed application form by candidate in PDF format on RRC Website 01/09/2023

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