Applications are invited from eligible candidates for post of part time teachers/staff on contractual basis at this Vidyalaya with consolidated pay for the academic year 2023-24. The following will be the Criteria for appointment:
1. The Post is purely on temporary basis for a maximum period of one year or till regular incumbent joins, whichever is earlier.
2. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
3. Applicants are directed to download the Bio-data form uploaded on the website of the vidyalaya ( and submit at the time of interview and attend the interview as per the following schedule along with original certificates/documents of the required qualification.
1.PGT(Hindi, English)
2. PGT (Maths, Physics)
3.PGT(Biology, Chemistry)
4. PGT (Economics,Commerce)
5. PGT Computer Science
6.TGTs (Hindi, English, Sanskrit, Maths, Science, Social Studies)
7. Primary Teachers
8. PRT Music
9. Computer Instructors
10. Yoga Teacher
11. Dance Teacher
12. Special Education Teacher
13. Games & Sports Coaches
14. Counselor
15. Staff Nurse(Female)
Interview Date: 24-03-2023 Friday 10.30am to 5.00pm
Download Complete Notification and Application
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