ICSIL Jobs Notification 2023: Apply Online for 583 Meter Readers, Field Supervisors Vacancies

ICSIL Jobs Notification 2023 information for the hiring of 583 Meter Readers, Field  Supervisors Posts has been released on the official website at icsil.in. Candidates Planning to start their career with Intelligent Communication Systems India Limited can apply Online application on or before 2023-03-10.

ICSIL Post Details:

Meter Readers: 486 Posts

Field  Supervisors: 97 Posts


Meter Readers: Minimum 12th passed .
Field  Supervisors: Minimum Graduation.
Salary Details

Meter Readers: Rs. 20,357/- Per Month
Field  Supervisors: Rs. 22,146/- Per Month
Age Limit

Meter Readers: 18 to 30 years
Field  Supervisors: 21 to 35 years
Application Fee

Registration Fee: Rs. 1,000/-

Selection Process: Selection will be based on the Interview

How to Apply: Interested and Eligible applicants may apply Online Through the Official Website icsil.in on or before 10th March 2023.

Important Dates:

Starting Date: 7th March 2023.
Application Last date: 10th March 2023.

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* ą°®ొą°¤్ą°¤ం ą°–ాą°³ీą°²ు: 583

ą°Ŗోą°ø్ą°Ÿుą°² ą°µాą°°ీą°—ా ą°–ాą°³ీą°²ు..

1. ą°®ీą°Ÿą°°్ ą°°ీą°”ą°°్ą°ø్: 486

2. ą°«ీą°²్ą°”్ ą°øూą°Ŗą°°్ą°µైą°œą°°్ą°²ు: 97


1. ą°®ీą°Ÿą°°్ ą°°ీą°”ą°°్ą°ø్: 12ą°µ ą°¤ą°°ą°—ą°¤ి ą°‰ą°¤్ą°¤ీą°°్ą°£ą°¤.

ą°µą°Æą°øు: 18-30 ą°ą°³్ą°²ు ą°‰ంą°”ాą°²ి. ą°œీą°¤ą°­ą°¤్ą°Æాą°²ు: ą°Øెą°²ą°•ు ą°°ూ. 20357 ą°šెą°²్ą°²ిą°ø్ą°¤ాą°°ు.

2. ą°«ీą°²్ą°”్ ą°øూą°Ŗą°°్ą°µైą°œą°°్ą°²ు: ą°—్ą°°ాą°”్ą°Æుą°Æేą°·ą°Ø్ ą°‰ą°¤్ą°¤ీą°°్ą°£ą°¤.

ą°µą°Æą°øు: 21-35 ą°ą°³్ą°²ు ą°‰ంą°”ాą°²ి. ą°œీą°¤ą°­ą°¤్ą°Æాą°²ు: ą°Øెą°²ą°•ు ą°°ూ. 22146 ą°šెą°²్ą°²ిą°ø్ą°¤ాą°°ు.

ą°Žంą°Ŗిą°• ą°µిą°§ాą°Øం: ą°·ాą°°్ą°Ÿ్ ą°²ిą°ø్ą°Ÿింą°—్, ą°‡ంą°Ÿą°°్ą°µ్ą°Æూ ą°†ą°§ాą°°ంą°—ా 

ą°Žంą°Ŗిą°• ą°‰ంą°Ÿుంą°¦ి. ą°¦ą°°ą°–ాą°ø్ą°¤ు ą°«ీą°œు: ą°°ూ.1000.

ą°¦ą°°ą°–ాą°ø్ą°¤ు ą°µిą°§ాą°Øం: ą°†ą°Ø్ą°²ైą°Ø్ ą°¦్ą°µాą°°ా ą°¦ą°°ą°–ాą°ø్ą°¤ు ą°šేą°øుą°•ోą°µాą°²ి.

ą°¦ą°°ą°–ాą°ø్ą°¤ు ą°Ŗ్ą°°ą°•్ą°°ిą°Æ ą°Ŗ్ą°°ాą°°ంą°­ం: 07.03.2023.

ą°¦ą°°ą°–ాą°ø్ą°¤ు ą°šిą°µą°°ి ą°¤ేą°¦ి: 10.03.2023.

Important Links

Online application

ą°µిą°µిą°§ ą°°ą°•ాą°² ą°•ేంą°¦్ą°°,  ą°°ాą°·్ą°Ÿ్ą°° ą°Ŗ్ą°°ą°­ుą°¤్ą°µ ą°®ą°°ిą°Æు ą°Ŗ్ą°°ైą°µేą°Ÿు ą°‰ą°¦్ą°Æోą°— ą°Øోą°Ÿిą°«ిą°•ేą°·ą°Ø్ ą°•ోą°øం ą°•్ą°°ింą°¦ి ą°µాą°Ÿ్ą°øాą°Ŗ్ ą°—్ą°°ూą°Ŗు ą°®ą°°ిą°Æు ą°Ÿెą°²ిą°—్ą°°ాą°®్ ą°—్ą°°ూą°Ŗుą°²ో ą°šేą°°ంą°”ి

ą°Ÿెą°²ిą°—్ą°°ాą°®్ ą°—్ą°°ూą°Ŗ్ ą°²ింą°•ు:
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