APPSC Recruitment 2022 | Recruitment of Assistant Conservator of Forests in A.P. Forest Service.

Applications are invited through online from eligible candidates for the post of Assistant Conservator of Forests in A.P. Forest Service for a total of 09 vacancies in the scale of pay of Rs.40,270/- to 93,780/- from candidates within the age group of 18 - 42 years as on

1.2. The candidate shall apply online through Commission’s Website from 
20/04/2022 to 10/05/2022 (Note: 09/05/2022 is the last date for payment of fee upto 11:59 mid night). 

1.3. The applicant who desires to apply for the above post shall login the Commission’s Website, with his/her registered OTPR number. In case the candidate is applying for the 
first time to the post notified by A.P.P.S.C. he/she shall register his/her bio-data particulars through One Time Profile Registration (OTPR) on the Commission’s Website viz., Once applicant registers his/her particulars, a user ID is generated and sent to his/her registered mobile number and email ID.

1.4. The selection to the post shall be on the basis of Written Examination in Computer Based Recruitment Test mode conducted by the Commission. The Dates of Written Examination will be announced separately. 

1.5. The candidates are required to visit the Commission’s website regularly to keep themselves updated about dates of written examinations are to be held. The 
examination would be in objective type and questions are to be answered on computer system. Instructions regarding computer based recruitment test are attached as Annexure - III. The medium of Examination will be English only.

1.6. A general Mock Test facility is available to the applicants on the Commission’s website toacquaint themselves with the computer based recruitment test. Applicant can visit the 
website and practice the answering pattern under MOCK TEST option available on main page of website

1.7. The applicant is required to visit the Commission’s website regularly to keep himself / herself updated until completion of the recruitment process. The Commission’s website information is final for all correspondence. No individual correspondence by any means 
will be entertained under any circumstances.

1.8. HALL TICKETS for the written Examination will be hosted on Commission’s website for 
downloading. Instructions would be given through the website regarding downloading of 
Hall Tickets. 

1.9. All desirous and eligible candidates shall apply online after satisfying themselves as per the terms and conditions of this recruitment notification. Any application sent through any 
mode other than the prescribed online mode will not be entertained under any 
circumstances. Submission of application form by the candidate is construed as he / she read the notification and shall abide by the terms and conditions laid down there under.

1.10. PH reservation not applicable, However PH Candidates can apply in open category and have to satisfy physical requirements as stipulated in service rules.

Total Posts: 09

Post: Assistant Conservator of Forests in A.P.  Forest Service.

Educational Qualifications:

Must possess a Bachelor’s Degree of a University in India 
established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, or 
State Act or a Provincial Act or an Institution recognized by 
the University Grants Commission or any equivalent 
qualification in the following subjects:-
I. Agriculture 
II. Botany 
III. Chemistry 
IV. Computer Applications/Computer Science 
V. Engineering 
VI. Environmental Science
VII. Forestry
VIII. Geology 
IX. Horticulture 
X. Mathematics 
XI. Physics 
XII. Statistics
XIII. Veterinary Science
XIV. Zoology. 
(As per, G.O.Ms.No.159, Environment, Forests, Science & 
Technology (For-V) Department, dated: 08.12.2008).

Online Applications :
Complete Notification: Download
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