AP Health Department: Recruitment of Mid Level Health Provider Posts

NHM and AP Health Department Recruitment of Mid Level Health Provider Posts in AP Bsc Nursing Candidates Can apply these Posts Application submission Last Date:06-11-21 Total Posts 3393 

Health Department: Recruitment of Mid Level Health Provider Posts

Health Department: Recruitment of Mid Level Health Provider Posts 

Total Posts:3393

Zone Wise Posts:

Zone -I -Srikakulam, Vizianagaram and Visakhapatnam :633 Posts

Zone-II- East Godavari, West Godavari and Krishna : 1003 Posts

Zone -III- Guntur, Prakasam and Nellore  : 786 Posts

Zone -IV- Chittoor, Kadapa, Ananthapur and Kurnool : 971 Posts

Qualifications : 

Candidates shall fulfil the following qualifications for  apply to the post 

i.  Must  have  completed  B.Sc.  (Nursing)  from  recognised  university and registered in the AP Nursing Council.

ii.  Must  have  studied  Certificate  Programme  for  Community  Health  (CPCH)  as  integrated  Certificate  Programme  in  the  B.Sc.  (N).   This  is  a  mandatory  requirement  and  no  candidates will be considered in the absence of same. 

iii.  Must  not  have  completed  35  Years  as  on  date  of  issue  of  notification.  40  years  in  case  of  BC,  SC,  ST,  Physically  Handicapped and Ex-service men

Method  of  Appointment:  

Appointment  is  purely  on  Contract  basis  for  the period of one year and will be renewed based on the performance and availability of funds.

Selection Criteria:

i.  Marks  obtained  in  the  B.Sc.  (N)  course  is  the  only  criteria  for selection.

ii.  Rule  of  reservations  as  per  AP  State  and  Subordinate  Services  Rules  and  presidential  orders  governing  the  local  status  are  applicable for selection.

6.  Recruitment process 

i.  Regional  Director  of  Medical  &  Health  Services,  who  is  appointing  authority  will  complete  the  selection  process  as  per  the  guidelines  and  issue  appointment  orders  to  the  selected  candidates.  

ii.  Committee  with  the  following  officers  shall  ensure  that  recruitment  process  is  completed  as  per  the  guidelines  and  schedule.

i.  Director of Public Health & Family Welfare 

ii.  State Programme Manager, NHM

iii.  Chief Administrative Officer, NHM

iv.  Additional Director, MHN

v.  Programme Officer, HWC

iii.  Candidates  shall  submit  the  applications  in  the  prescribed  online format (Annexure A)

iv.  The following copies of the certificates shall be submitted by the  candidates along with the application 

i.  SSC or equivalent examination (for date of birth)

ii.  Intermediate examination or 10 + 2 Examination

iii.  B.SC  (N)  examination  pass  certificates  (Provisional  and 


iv.  Marks Memos of B.Sc., (Nursing) all years

v.  Applications  shall  be  submitted  online  only.  Candidates  shall  submit  the  application  online  through  website  at  hmfw.ap.gov.in,  cfw.ap.nic.in.  Applications  submitted  in  person  will  not  be  considered.

vi.  All  the  certificates  (Soft  copies)  at  para  iv  shall  be  uploaded.  Every  application  submitted  online,  will  be  given acknowledgment 

vii.  Certificate  of  Permanent  Registration  in  Andhra  Pradesh  Nursing & Midwives Council should be enclosed

viii.  Copy of Caste / Community Certificate in case of SC/ ST  /  BC  (with  categorization)  issued  by  the  Revenue  authority viz., Tahsildar / MRO  / RDO  Concerned. In the  absence  of  proper  caste  certificate,  the  candidate  will  be  treated as OC candidate

ix.  Study  Certificates  for  the  years  4 th to  10 th class  from  where the candidate studied

x.  Copy  of  certificate  for  Physically  handicapped  (If  applicable) 

xi.  Copy of certificate for Ex-service men

xi.  Copy of certificate for Ex-service men (If applicable)

Impotrtant Dates:

i.  Date of Notification   23.10.2021

ii.  Last Date for receipt of applications  06.11.2021

iii.  Date of publication of provisional merit list  10.11.2021

iv.  Last  date  for  receipt  of  objections  on  provisional merit list 12.11.2021

v.  Date of publication of Final merit list  15.11.2021

vi.  Date  of  publication  of  provisional  selection  list 19.11.2021

vii.  Last  date  for  receipt  of  objections  on  provisional selection list 21.11.2021

viii.  Date of publication of final selection list  24.11.2021

ix.  Date of counselling  27.11.2021 to  30.11.2021

8.  RDM&HS  shall  screen  all  the  applications  submitted  online  and  publish  the  provisional  merit  list  in  the  website  cfw.ap.nic.in  and  hmfw.ap.gov.in 

9.  Candidates  shall  submit  the  objections  if  any  to  the  respective  RDM&HS through e-mail. 

10.  Every  objection  shall  be  attended  and  final  merit  list  shall  be  published in the website.

11.  Based  on  final  merit  list,  Provisional  selection  list  shall  be  prepared  and  obtain  the  approval  of  Committee  at  para  6  (ii).    Provisional  selection list shall be published in website for objections. 

12.  After  attending  the  objections  on  provisional  selection  list,  final  selection list shall be published. 

13.  At  every  stage  of  recruitment,  SMS  shall  be  sent  to  candidates  on  recruitment information. 

14.  Counselling  for  allocation  of  postings  shall  be  conducted  online  and  posting orders shall be issued to the selected MLHPs. 

15.  All  the  candidates,  who  are  selected  and  appointed  as  MLHPs,  shall  report  to  the  place  of  posting  within  one  week  from  date  of  appointment order. 

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ఉద్à°¯ోà°—ం:Mid Level Health Provider

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