• The Invigilators shall report to the Chief Superintendent at 02.00 p.m.
before the day of examination at the Examination Centre and receive
training and instructions.

• The Invigilators shall report to the Chief Superintendent at 7.00 A.M i.e.,
on the day of examination.
• 8.30 AM / 1.00 PM : Chief Superintendent take the attendance and allot
the room by lotts.
• 9.00 AM / 1.30 PM : Along with the Hall Superintendent check the
candidates and removing forbidden material, if any, before their entering
into the exam Hall . Check for Impersonation carefully.
• If the hall ticket is printed without photo/blurred photos/too small
photo/photo without signature, the candidates should bring 3 passport
size photos duly attested by Gazetted Officer and hand over the same to
the Invigilator in the examination Hall. Failing which the candidate shall
not be admitted for the examination.
• 9.30 AM / 2.00 PM : Hall Superintendent shall distribute (i) OMR Answer
Sheets (ii) Nominal Roll cum Photo Attendance Sheets with signature (iii)
Attendance cum Question Booklet Code OMR sheets. (Proforma VII and
• 9.45 AM / 2.15 PM : At the strike of first bell distribute the pre printed
OMR sheets to the respective candidates and guide them to fill all the
necessary columns properly.
• Check whether the Pre-printed particulars of the candidates are properly 
printed on the OMR Answer Sheet. Please check if the photograph on 
the nominal roll is that of the candidate.
• Tally the particulars of the candidates given on the Pre-printed OMR
Answer Sheet and Nominal Roll cum Attendance Sheet with
Photographs and Signature. If any wrong entries are noted
corrections are to be made in the Nominal Roll cum attendance
• Take the Signature of the candidates on the Nominal Roll cum
Attendance Sheet with Photographs and Signature and tally the same
with Pre-printed Signature.
• 9.50 AM/2.20PM : The Hall Superintendents will hand over Question
paper booklets and room wise seating question paper distribution
plan to invigilators
• 9.55 AM/2.25PM :The invigilator opens the Question Paper bundles
and arrange them in the order of codes A, B, C, D, A, B, C, D, . . . . . . .
• 10.00 AM/2.30PM :Each Invigilator is responsible for the distribution
of Question Paper Booklets at 10.00 AM/2.30PM (at the stroke of 2nd
Bell) as per Hall Ticket wise Room Seating Plan provided by the Chief
• Do not issue Buffer OMR Answer sheet for wrong distribution of booklet
codes by the invigilator or wrong shading of booklet code by the
• In case of wrong distribution or wrong shading the Invigilator may report
it to the Chief Superintendent in the following Proforma (Proforma XV)
who in turn shall hand it over to the Route Officer.
• 12.30 pm / 5.00 pm : At the strike of 3
rd bell instruct the candidates to
stop writing the examination and detach the copy of the OMR sheet.
• Collect the original OMR (printed in red) from every candidate. In case
buffer OMR is isssued collect both buffer and spoiled OMRs pinned from
the candidate and hand over to hall superintendent seperately.
• Allow the candidate to take home the OMR carbon copy and question
paper booklet
• Attend to other specific duties if any communicated by District Collector
/ CEO ZPP / Chief Superintendent from time to time.

Instructions to Candidates –To be informed by Invigilator

• The invigilator should inform the following instructions to candidates
• Candidates are not allowed to carry any Electronic devices such as Mobile/Cell
Phones, Calculators, Tablets, I-Pad, Bluetooth, Pagers or any other device capable of
interacting/Programming in to the examination Centre. Any violation of the above
leads to disqualification of candidature
• Candidates should be advised to check the Answer sheet and read the instructions
on it as well as on test booklet carefully.
• Candidates should be advised to use ball point pen (blue / black) to fill the required
particulars and to encode their Test Booklet series (A or B or C or D) at appropriate
places in the answer sheet.
• It must be made clear that failure to encode / wrong encoding of Test Booklet Series
will lead to invalidation of answer sheet. Writing with Pen or any other writing
device at wrong places will also lead to invalidation of Answer sheet.
• The Candidates shall put their sign and get the signature of the invigilator at the
appropriate places in the Answer sheet.
• OMR sheets supplied to the candidates consist of two copies, the
original copy on the top and the duplicate copy at beneath. After
completion of the examination, the candidate should handover the
original OMR answer sheet (top sheet) to the invigilator and can carry
the bottom sheet (duplicate) for his/her record.
• Frequent visits to the toilets are not permitted. Candidates should be
advised to use the toilet facility only in case of extreme necessity. If
any candidates are found to be indulging in discussions or
malpractice near the toilets or corridors or any other places after
going out of the Hall under the plea for going to toilet or otherwise
they would be disqualified.
• Candidates will not be permitted to leave the examination hall till
the expiry of full time. If any candidate leaves the examination hall
in the middle, he would be disqualified
Invigilator Duties
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