State Level Police Recruitment Board, Andhra Pradesh (herein#ter referred to as SLPRB, A.P.) invites applications through ONLINE mode only in the prescribed proforma to be rnade available on \AIEBSITE ( from 05-11-2018 at 1500 hours to 24-11-2018 at 1700 hours for the following posts.
The number of vacancies indicated is only provisional and is liable for change without giving any notice. SLPRB, A.P., reserves the right to notify the modifications with regard to any asPect of recruitment during the process of recruitment.
The Preliminary Written Test will be held on 15'12.2018 (Sunday) - Paper-I from
10.00 AM to 01.00 PM (3 hours) and Paper-II from 02.30 PM to 05.30 PM on the same day. The registered candidates may download their Hall Ticket from the website (08) davs before the date ofPreliminarv Written Test.
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