Applications are invited from Indian Citizens for filling up following Central Government Group-A, Gazetted Combatised Post (Non Ministerial) in the Pay Band-3 of Rs. 15600-39100/- plus Grade pay of Rs. 5400/- and other allowances admissible in ITBPF (MHA) Govt. of India. On joining the organization, selected candidates shall be governed by ITBPF Act 1992 and ITBPF Rules 1994 as amended from time to time and are liable to serve anywhere in India or abroad. The posts being in combatised stream of the Force, the officers selected shall have to wear the rank and badges of the post as per the orders/ instructions issued by the Central Government from time to time.

Note: (i) The vacancies may vary due to administrative reasons (may increase or decrease).
 (ii) A candidate applying/appearing for the post should mention in application form, if any criminal case(s) is/are/was/were pending/lodged against him/her in any police station/Hon’ble Court/ any criminal case decided by Court of Law.
(iii) Before applying, the candidates must check their eligibility, to avoid disappointment at a later stage.
(iv) Selected candidate will be covered under new Restructured Defined Contributory Pension Scheme.

EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION: Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering from a recognised University or Institution. Note: A candidate who has appeared at an examination, the passing of which would render him/her educationally qualified, but has not been confirmed of the result, may apply. A candidate who intends to appear at such a qualifying examination may also apply. Such candidates will be allowed to appear in selection test, if otherwise eligible, but their admission would be deemed to be provisional and subject to cancellation, if they do not produce proof of having passed the requisite qualifying examination at the time of interview

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