Tata Steel Recruitment Notification for Engineering Posts

Tata Steel is seeking applications from interested candidates for the position of Engineer Trainee in the area of CS/IT for 
Tata Steel. Position Engineer Trainee
Program Details

1. Selected Candidates will be placed as Engineer Trainee for a duration of 1 year

2. The trainees will be subject to evaluations on regular basis during the training period. On  successful completion of training, they will be considered for Fixed Term Employment of Three (3) years as Assistant Manager (IL6) at Tata Steel. 

Functions to be  Selected for

Must have completed or should be a final year student of B.E. /B.Tech. / B.Sc. (Engg.) in the 
following specified discipline.

a) IT 
b) Computer Science 

Must have completed or should be a final year student of MCA/M.Sc. in the following discipline:

a) Maths
b) Statistics
c) Physics
d) Operational Research

Minimum  Education  Qualifications

1. Candidates who have completed three year diploma and directly joined 2nd year of engineering  and are in the final year of BE/ B Tech / B Sc (Engg) are also eligible

2. Must have attended Full time AICTE/ UGC approved Campus Program

3. For General Candidates: Must have scored minimum of 6.5 (where the scoring pattern is 
CGPA) or 65% (where the scoring pattern is in percentage) in BE / B Tech / B Sc (Engg) 

4. For Transgender, PwD, SC/ST Candidates: Must have scored minimum of 6.0 (where the 
scoring pattern is CGPA) or 60% (where the scoring pattern is in percentage) in BE / B Tech / B 
Sc (Engg) Examination

5. Preference will be given to the candidates who are a domicile of the State of Jharkhand and  Odisha


1. For General Candidates: Should not be more than 30 years as on 1
st February 2023.
2. For Transgender, PwD , SC/ST Candidates : Should not be more than 32 years as on 1st
February 2023.


1. 1. Engineer Trainee will be offered an all-inclusive Stipend of ₹ 30,000 per month during the  period of 1 Year Training.

2. 2. Engineer Trainee will be covered under Medi-Claim scheme for self only (which includes  hospitalization coverage of ₹ 2,50,000/- per annum and OPD coverage of ₹ 6,000/- per annum)

3. 3. Post successful completion of training, a CTC of INR 6.24 lacs per Annum along with other perks  and benefits as per company policy will be offered to those appointed as Assistant Manager on Fixed Term 

Employment.Other Guidelines

1. Tata Steel is an equal opportunity employer and encourages candidates from diverse 
backgrounds to apply.

2. PWD (Orthopedically Disabled i.e. Partial disability in Lower limb or Upper limb) candidates  are also eligible to apply.

3. Services of the selected candidates will be subjected to transfer to any of the Divisions, 
subsidiaries and joint ventures of the Company

4. All selected candidates will undergo Background Verification as per company’s standard,  before their appointment

5. Tata Steel employees on permanent roll are not eligible to apply for this job opportunity

6. No reimbursement related to the travel will be made to the candidates in this process

7. Candidate who are found ineligible as per the laid down criteria at any stage of the selection  process will be immediately disqualified from further selection process.

Link For Application Form 

Please navigate to 

Kindly click on Advertisement tab and select “Tata Steel Aspiring Engineers Program – 2023 Advertisement” link for downloading the advertisement PDF. Please click on “Application” tab and 
subsequently click “Tata Steel inviting application for Aspiring Engineers Program -2023” link to open the application form.

Last Date of  Submission of  online Application

On-line application on the website will be open till 03.03.2023

For various announcements, candidates should visit https://www.tatasteel.com/careers/

Evaluation  Process

1. Eligible candidates will undergo an online Cognitive and Technical Test2. Shortlisted candidates will be invited for interviews either in person or on a virtual medium

Important Note

1. Communication from TATA Steel will be through career@tatasteel.com mail-id only

2. Tata Steel or its hiring partners do not ask candidates to deposit money for any job offer

3. Tata Steel is not associated with any external agency to conduct any interviews or make offer of  employment on its behalf

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